A Letter of Truth

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*note: I hate starting new stories when I need to finish another, but this is short. Literally two chapters. I can't help but write things down when I have an idea or dream.

Dear Jenny,

I know I promised that it wouldn't happen again, but I couldn't help it. That is why I'm writing this to you to confess. I know your feelings for Michael, so I believe it's only fair that I tell you about this. Yes, you guessed it. I met up with Richard again. Last night as a matter of fact. Now it's the morning and I am writing to you. Let me go over what happened. It was raining last night and you know how I love the rain, oh it was splendid, you should have been there. I stepped outside just to watch the rain from the balcony. Michael never let's me out in the rain, he doesn't want me to catch a cold. As I was watching the rain fall, I saw him. Richard. My love. I know it's unfair to Michael, but he knew about my past with Richard, and how I can't easily let him go. He beckoned me over to him. Without giving it much thought, I walked out the front door still dressed in my night gown. I felt the rain on my skin and smiled. I've always loved the way the rain felt. I love everything about the rain. I made my way to Richard and he smiled as he saw me approach. He asked me to run away with him. I couldn't agree. In the end he just lead me to the garden within our complex and we sat on the bench swing just swaying and enjoying each others' company. He held me. He kissed me. He loved me. In that moment I forgot about Michael. I just wanted Richard. That was short lived, as we heard footsteps and someone calling out my name. I recognized it as Michael's. Richard held me close and asked for one more kiss, "quick, before he's here." I agreed and he gave me a passionate kiss. It ended just as Michael appeared with an umbrella over his head. He took one look at me and Richard and didn't say a word. Instead he held my hand and pulled me into his embrace. He then handed me the umbrella as he carried me bridal style. "Let's go home" he had said to me as he took me further away from Richard. We made it home and he took me back to bed. Our bed. He lied down and moved away a piece of my hair that was stuck on my forehead. He stared intently at me. I knew what that meant. It means the same thing it always does when I suddenly run off with Richard. He kissed me then. First on my forehead, then my cheek, until he finally crashed his lips onto mine. I kissed him back feverishly. We made love that night. Before drifting off to sleep he whispered sweet words of love to me while holding me. He loves me. I love him too. But. I love Richard as well. Jenny, I can't keep doing this. I promised to stop, but once again I've failed to do so. I need your help. It's not fair to either of them for me to continue this.

Love Always,


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