Adopted by Zayn Malik?

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Michelle's POV:

My name is Michelle but I like to be called Chelle. I am twelve years old and I live in a orphanage. My mom passed away due to breast cancer and my father abused me. I have only one friend and that is me. I don't like talking to people. I am shy at first but by the time I am being myself with them they leave me. I am a short brown haired girl. But my hair is long enough I put into a bun. I have dark brown eyes but you can only see their colors in the light or in the sun. I have a skin that is dark as caramel, but a little darker on my knees.

I am Filipino but I don't tell anyone becuase they will make fun of me so I just keep secrets to myself.

Zayn's POV:

Uncle Si called me to his office. I have no idea. I got in my Range Rover and drove to his office. I walk into his office and take a seat. Simon is serious most of the time but we rarely see him smile. It's weird.. But today he is smiling.

"Zayn?" Simon askes. "Yes uncle si?" "You need to adopt a child because I have noticed you and the lads have been drifting apart." "Are you serious? A child? I don't think I'm ready! And plus I don't think Perrie is gonna like the idea." "I already spoke to Perrie and she said she is okay with it." I groan "so your gonna go to a orphanage and take a child home, got it? He/she will bring you and the lads together so you don't split." I nod and walk out of his office and drive to a close by orphanage.

I step out of the car and walk in. I walk up to the lady sitting behind the counter and she looks up from her book and greets me "welcome to the Doncaster Orphanage, may I please help you?" She gives me a warm smile. I reply "yes please I would like to see the children you have here,I would like to adopt one." She stands up and she motions me to a hallway and she points, "this is the girls play room here (pointing to the left) and this is the boys room ( pointing to the right) I nod and she walks away.

I walk I my left and open the girls door and find three girls playing with dolls, two girls talking, and a girl sitting in a corner reading a book. I walk over to the girl in the corner and she looks up and has a frightened look in her face. I look her in the eyes and she looks in mine. I bend down to her level and ask her "do you wanna to be adopted?" She nods and I stand up reaching my hand out to her and she hesitantly takes it and stands up. We walk up to the the lady and tell her "I would like to adopt her." She nods and gets the papers. The little girl walks over to the lady and whispered something in her ear, while the lady is looking at me. She nods and tells her to pack her clothes.

The little girl walks to a room and I guess packing. I turn back to the lady and she hands me the papers. I sign them and she takes them and gives me the rest. She sighed and she said "this little girl your taking home is named Michelle and she is twelve she is not fond of being around boys or men. She has clostrophobia and she is shy. She told me to tell you that she wants to be alone and not talk to anyone is a few hours. She is a big reader and she has a bad past. He mother past away do to cancer and her dad abused her. Whatever you do don't put to much stress on her she tends to do things that is just horrifying. She doesn't to it to people she does it to herself. And her birthday is Feburary 5,2001. Please take care of her and love her like your her real father." I nod and say thank you and Michelle walks the through to door and has a gym bag and she has a book in her hands. I walk over to her slowly and take her bag and we walk out. She hugs and waves goodbye to the lady and walks behind me. I put her bag in the car and she gets in the backseat and buckles herself. I close her door and walk over to the drivers seat and buckle myself in and drive I me and Perrie's flat. We reach our flat and we get out. I open the door and whisper to her "this is your new house & here is your room. We will call you down for dinner. You can eat in your room if you want. Are you allergic to anything?" She nods and she talks with a hoarse voice and says "I am allergic to duck" I nod and open her door and she gasps.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2014 ⏰

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