I Would Never

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"Mani what's up?" Mark asked as she walked up to the door he was guarding for some odd reason.

"Hey where's Kevin?" Normani asked him as he nervously looked around trying to think of answer

She noticed his tight grip on the door knob so tight his knuckles were turning white

"Idk he was just here a minute ago" he responded not so believable.

Mani stood there and looked at him for a second she then got an idea she whispered something in his ear and his eyes went wide then he slowly let go of the knob stepping aside allowing normani to open the door and that's what she did, as soon as she opened it she saw what she was afraid she would but at the same time knew that she would. There he was normani's boyfriend fucking another chick in the middle of a party.

"You fucking disgust me!!" Normani yelled making sure he heard her and that he did he quickly pulled out pulling his boxer briefs up along with his pants chasing after the brown skin beauty.

"Baby wait" he said trying to catch up with her before she reached the exit. He finally caught up with her grabbed her arm a little too harsh causing the girl to yelp in pain. Making everyone in the party start to stare at the two including a pair of green eyes that had been observing the whole situation.

"Get off of me, don't touch me" she snapped then he quickly let go the whole crowd watching

"Wait I'm sorry I don't know what I was doing please" He pleaded

"I'm done, it's over!" Normani replied and left.

*2 Weeks Later*

It's been two weeks since the party and break up to which normani hasn't been out much since she was humiliated and played in front of nearly the whole school.

"You need to atleast get out the house and get some fresh air" Dinah normani's best friend said trying to convince her to go out with her tonight

"I do get fresh air when i'm going to school and practice" Normani retorted

"And that's it" Dinah replied "come to this party with me tonight"

"No Dinah the last time I went to a party I was humiliated and got my heartbroken" normani replied

"Well good that can't happen again so come on get ready" Dinah said

"And nine times out of ten he'll be there tonight and I really don't feel like dealing with him." Normani said

"Well then we'll just make sure you look extra good then he'll feel like shit and realize what he lost." Dinah said

"Fine" Normani reluctantly agreed and got in the shower and dressed she put one of her best outfits which was a black crop top and a black skirt that hugged her curves and fit just right and threw on a black leather jacket and some flats.

"That's what i'm talking about Yes!" Dinah said proudly clapping her hands while wearing something similar a black crop top and leather pants with a pair of heels.

"Come on let's go" Normani said rolling her eyes


They get there and the first person she see is mark.

"Hey Mani what's up?" he spoke

Normani just rolled her eyes and kept walking

"So you not talking to me no more?" He asked

"Does it look like it?" normani replied and kept walking

"Mani!" Ally squealed giving her a big hug

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