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7am;that's the alarm again waking me up for another tedious day at that hell hole people call 'school',eh I guess everyone has to go right it's not just me. My heads pounding though,it's like a small guy inside my mind is knocking on my skull constantly taking his anger out on my fragile head--his knuckles cracking as his fist rebounds of the protective surface which protects my memory log.
I should probably introduce myself...yeah that would be a good idea,my name is Elizabeth and I'm 15 years old I'm currently going through my GCSEs which are a lot harder than you would expect but anyway I think I'm doing okay(I'm really not).
I live in a city called Worcestershire in a three bedroomed house with my dad,mum and older sister.

My dad is an accountant so he works a lot and we hardly get to see him because he works long hours but it's okay because every year he takes us to Florida for two weeks,we stay over at our grans who makes the best chicken pies.
As for mum she's a journalist and she has her own column in the daily newspaper,she's quite well known around about local area and she writes about women's rights and gender equality--it's rather interesting.
And as for becky well...I'm sure you'll figure her out later on.

Anyway back to hell,it's quite a rush in a morning especially since I find it extremely hard to actually motivate myself to untuck myself from the warm quilt which try's to make me stay in bed and it's not because I have no motivation it's the simple fact that I am lazy. Then after spending fifteen minutes battling with my bed covers I manage to get to the kitchen where I spend a further fifteen minutes deciding what would be best to eat for that particular morning, cereal? No, toast? No, breakfast bar? No, pancakes? Okay yeah that's sounds good. Okay yes I am a fussy person. Now for the getting dressed part, after brushing my teeth whilst being harassed by my sister to get out of the bathroom because she has a 'hot date' at 7PM yes pm,she has a whole 11 and a half hours to get ready like what!? Woman are you okay!? But yeah after going through the pain of that I finally manage to get into the freshly ironed school clothes,a crisp white shirt tucked into a dark green pleated skirt and a black and red tie which indefinitely suffocates me.

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