Chapter 1

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I walked out of my house on a Monday morning, ready for the school day. I felt something drip on my head and looked up at the overcast sky. I heard low rumbles coming from within the clouds. I looked down at the sidewalk, little droplets spilling on it. The rain began to pick up its pace, turning into a steady drizzle.

Damn Seattle. I thought to myself as I went inside to grab an umbrella. I ran to the mudroom only to find that the umbrella was gone. Mattie must have brought it with him then... Looks like I'm walking through the storm then. I let out a sigh and stepped through the doorway. The rain had now become a downpour, making me groan. I stepped off the porch and started walking, hugging my bomber jacket closer to me. I didn't try to run, what would be the point? I'd get soaked either way. I decided to go get a latte from Starbucks. That'll cheer me up. I walk about a block to Starbucks, my small smile turning into a frown when I see the line.

"Shit." I mutter under my breath. A few people in front of me heard me and turned my way, giving me evil looks. I rolled my eyes and looked away. I'm probably going to be late to class, but i really need this latte. I was up till 3:00 last night playing Clash of Clans on my phone. Speaking of my phone, I pulled it out of my pocket and checked the time. It read 7:48. School starts in 12 minutes. I'll be a few minutes late but thats fine. After what seemed like forever, I got to the front of the line and ordered my drink. I had to wait another 5 minutes for them to make it. I finally got it and checked my phone again. The clock said 8:06. It would take me about 10 minutes to get school.


I said to no one in particular and started to speed walk to school, careful to not spill my latte.

// Time skip brought to you by America's hamburgers. Better than a krabby patty \\

I walked through the door of the Seattle High, and threw my finished latte in the trash. I ran through the halls, shoes squeaking, trying to get to my first period class, which was history, as soon as I could. Even though I was already 15 minutes late. I peeked through the doorway and saw that my teacher, Mr. Yao, was busy writing on the chalkboard. Maybe I could slip in without him noticing... I opened the door as quietly as I could and silently creeped into the room. I was on a roll and was almost to my seat when I slipped and fell, hitting my head on a desk and my papers flying everywhere. Curse the rain. I sat up and rubbed my wet head, carefully avoiding my cowlick and cursing under my breath. Mr. Yao turned around and spoke.

"Ah, Mr. Jones. Glad you could finally make it. If you're late one more time I'll let you know that you will be suspended. Take your seat!"

He said, yelling the last part. I let out a huff of air and gathered up my stuff while the class snickered. I stood and made my way to my seat in the back. I draped my sopping jacket over the chair and sat down, opening my binder and looking for my notes. As I was shuffling through papers, I didn't notice the sound of the door opening, but glanced up when Mr. Yao started to speak.

"Oh, class, this is our new student!" He gestured, walking over to him and the school's principal, who was also in the room.

My eyes fell on the new kid, and my eyes widened behind my glasses. His hair is a sandy blond color and he's dressed in all black- black vans, black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees and a long sleeved t-shirt that had the Led-Zeppelin logo on it. I also noticed that he had an eyebrow piercing and and a lip ring. But what wowed me the most was his eyes. They were the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen and- oh God, he's staring at me, and I'm staring at him. How long have we been doing that? I immediately looked away, feeling my face flush, but looked back when I heard my teacher speak again.

"So, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself hmm?" Mr. Yao told him, giving him a smile to comfort him.

The boys eyes darted all over the room but finally rested on the floor.

"Well, um, my name is Arthur Kirkland, and I, uh, just moved here from London, and I like to play electric guitar." He said with a British accent, giving his guitar case a little shake.

Wow, he's a Brit. Even better. I just might have a shot at being friends with him. Not that I don't have any friends, heh heh...

"Welcome to Seattle High, Arthur! You can take a seat in front of Alfred." He said, pointing to the empty seat in front of me. He slowly walked to the seat and put down his guitar case. We locked eyes again and I gave him a small smile. He quickly looked away and pretended not to notice. He sat down and dropped his backpack on the floor next to his guitar. His backpack had the My Chemical Romance logo on it.

I smiled to myself. Nice choice Arthur, nice choice.


So that was the first chapter, I hope you liked it ^-^ I will be including some PruCan in this story also, but if you want to see some other ships in here as well, tell me! I ship just about all the ships haha.

~amanda-chan XD

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