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  • Dedicated to Vivien Estoce Ferolin

I walked and walked in the streets not knowing where I will be going all i knew is Im going to end my life today. 

Random eyes were staring at me maybe they are wondering why I am crying. Some people look at me with pity written on their faces, some are whispering on each other, and some of them are laughing at me which made my feelings even worst.

" I dont care"  I said to myself, I stared down on the streets aas I walk trying to hide my tears not wanting to see people's reaction.

I walked faster and faster not giving a look on my surrounding, as Im on my third step on crossing the street a loud beep of the car surprised me BEEP......BEEP......BEEP..... because I was still in shock I am not able to move and parry the car, I felt I was frozen and I can't even move, I just closed my eyes and wait for the car to  hit me. "This was really my plan by the way."

SCREEETCHHH........ and I heard a scream  from the people around, the car didn't hit me, "AHHH" I sighed in frustration and opened my eyes I saw the driver gets down the car and starts yelling at me. "Are you out of youre mind?" he says angrily, his eyes are raging with anger, I remained silent "If you want to commit suicide  jump on the bridge or hang yourself, dont you ever include me on taking your worthless life!!!" he screamed to my face and I looked down "NOW GET THE HELL AWAY!!"  he hissed and dragged me to the sidewalk and he got on his car and slamed the door angrily and shouted "Asshole!"

I shook my head and continued walking and looked for  for a best spot  to end all of this all, untill my feet got me into a bridge and I smiled "Perfect" I said to my self. 

I climed on the ledge and tears now are streaming down my face, I closed ny eyes and feeling the cool breeze. "YOURE USELESS, YOURE NOT SUPPOSED TO LIVE, YOU SON OF A BITCH, ITS ALL YOUR FAULT"  the voice of my father runs through my head, "yeah it's true, Its painful but I have to accept all of this" 

"GOOD BYE" I say and took a final deep sigh and stepping forward so thet ill fell down from the bridge but unfortunately theres a small hand who wrapped my legs and yanked me down which made me fell onto her, she growled In pain, I stood up and yelled at her "why did you do that? look what have you done youve hurt yourself!" I tried to get angry at her but I can't, I smiled as I look at her because her position was really funny. this was the first time I smiled trully, All my life was a mess.

I lend my my hand to help her stand, when I examined her face I was shocked "CLAIRE??" I pulled her in a big hug, she was the only friend I have in my childhood days  but they moved to other town because of her father's work.

"youre back!! I missed you" I said happily I really missed this girl.

"yeah" she said and hugged me back


"Why do you want to jump that bridge?" she broke up the silence who took over us when were sitting in a bench at the park  not far away from the bridge,

I frowned and took a deep sigh "Because I'm worthless" I said and i saw her shook her head  "Is that because of your father again?"

"No, it's because of everything" I said

"what do you mean?"

"A long story Claire" Was the last thing I said then I felt dizzy cause I havent ate anything since last 3 days, then I collapsed.

When I opened my eyes I'm on an unfamiliar room, I got up "maybe this is Claire's" I said and a scent of food reaches my nose , I felt my stomach grumbles but I frowned, "I'm not supposed to eat, I'm not hungry" I convinced myself. I walked down to the kitchen and I saw Claire cooking

"Hey" I said

 "Hey, your'e awake" she said while placing the food on the table

"here you must eat!" she added

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