Relentless Storm

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Gokudera was always alone. Sure, he has a father and a mother and a sister, but that doesn't mean he was happy. No one really paid any attention to him, really. To them, he's just some kid, that's all.

That's when he met Shamal. A doctor and hitman. Gokudera admired him because he looked so cool with his Trident Mosquito. He asked Shamal to teach him how to fight and was happy when the man accepted and taught him how to use bombs.

But all that came to an end when Shamal suddenly left him all alone. At first, he refused to believe that Shamal had left him when he promised he would show some new tricks. But after days have passed, he finally realised that yes, Shamal had left him and started to resent him.

He was upset for awhile, until she came. A woman with silver hair and emerald-green eyes like his. She always come to his birthday and taught him how to play the piano and some songs. He was finally happy again until, she too stopped coming. He waited and waited and waited, but she never came.

When he learned the truth, he was angry, frustrated, sad and betrayed. From that moment on, he began to become suicidal.

He would take any kinds of jobs and do it with no fail, no matter how dangerous it is. Even if he received a few broken bones here and there, he won't stop. He just couldn't stop.

It continued until he obtained a title amongst the mafia, "Hurricane Bomb Hayato". But he was stil unhappy.

Until he met Tsuna.

It was just a simple mission from Reborn, kill the boy and he would be the tenth boss of Vongola. He can't pass this chance. And so, he traveled halfway across the world to Japan where he met a weak and scared brunet.

'How unfair,' he thought. 'You're weak and a coward and yet, you're treated like royalty while I had to fight tooth and nail to get in the position I am in. How unfair.' And with that thought in his mind, he went for a kill.

But surprisingly, no matter how frightened or clumsy he is, the brunet was able to dodge all of his bombs, pissing Gokudera off. Because of his anger, he made a mistake. A mistake that would cost him his own life. 'So this is how my life ends.....' with closed eyes, he accepted his death....... that never come.


Surprised, he opened his eyes and saw a half-naked brunet with the most beautiful flames Gokudera had ever seen in his life, dancing on his head, putting out the fuse, saving both him and Gokudera.

Gokudera just stood there, stunned with the boy's action.

'Why?' he thought.

"Why did you save me?" the unspoken question swirled in his head as he watched the boy huffing in relief.

"Nononono! This is just a trick! He's trying to let your guard down! He's lying!" his mind screamed.

"He has no intention of harming you. He is genuinely concerned for you. He is not lying." his feelings commented softly.

Confused and lost in his own thoughts, he wasn't able to hear anything until,

"Listen," his instinct purred.

"Listen to his words," it purred softly. "Hear his words and make your judgement," it said with finalty.

And listened he did. To the shivering yet firm voice coming from the brunet he had loathed earlier.

"A-are you a-alright?"

And Gokudera stared until he found himself bowing to the boy before him. Words flowed from his mouth and honestly, he was surprised of himself for giving his trust -the trust that had been broken so many times- to the brunet whom he had just met so easily.

When the brunet rejected wanting to have him as his subordinate, he was devastated. But when the brunet said that he wanted to be friends with him, Gokudera could feel his broken heart mending together. And ever since, he knew that no matter what, Tsuna -his bossfriendfamilysky- will never leave him behind like everyone else had during his childhood days.

And now, at the age of 24, with a bouquet of roses in his hand, he made his way towards the brunet's office, with a smile plastered on his face.

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