Chapter 11

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As we plopped down on Hayes' couch, here comes Jake and Skylynn trampling down the stairs. "You came!", Jake through his arms around my waist and squeezed me tight. "Yeah I figured Hayes and I could hang out a little." I could feel his glance upon me and I was doing my best not to make eye contact. Even though we just agreed to be friends it's still going to be a little hard for me. I mean I know I should ease up on the who situation but I just don't want to let my guard down and then it happen all over again. Skylynn and Jake got side tracked from us and before we knew it they were taking off upstairs again to play yet another board game. We turned off the lights and we setting up the blankets and pillows for the movie. In the other room I could hear his mom speaking to someone about business work. I believe she was on the phone. I sat there and remembered all those times we would sit at his house and play games with his family and I realized how much I missed them too. "Hey, so we can choose between Papertowns by John Green OR we have The Gallows." I directed my eyes back to Hayes not realizing I was just staring at his home. I was looking around taking it all because it was all the same but yet so different. "Uh, let's start with Papertowns." We climbed onto the couch and started the movie.

About 20 minutes into the movie Hayes' phone started ringing. We had space between us considering I was on one side of the couch and he was on the other side. He slipped out his phone and looked at the screen. "Oh Linds, I'm REALLY sorry I have to take this! It's super important or else I would just forward it." I paused the movie and looked up at him understanding. "No, don't worry about it! It's perfectly fine I understand!" I kept the movie paused so we wouldn't lose our place. As he stepped aside into the dining room I decided to just scroll on my phone until he came back into the room. With the dining room being just next to the living room I could make out pretty clearly what he was saying. Some things were a bit hard to understand but I heard enough to know it wasn't good. "I'm so excited....And the dates are when?....cities closer by any chance?" I stopped listening because I knew what was coming. I couldn't decide if I wanted to leave or force myself to stay on the off chance that maybe I was wrong.

As Hayes re-entered the room, he acted as if the call had never happened. He flopped down in the middle of the couch, so he was a little closer. We played the movie and again I was on the emotional roller coaster of yet another John Green film. By the end of the movie I could see Hayes' eyes getting droopy and tired. "Hey, your not gonna crash on me are you?" He kind of chuckled then hoisted himself up off the couch. The time was close to 9 o'clock and it was already dark outside with the world winding down. "Yeah I think i am. I haven't been getting enough sleep these past few days." I pushed myself up to me feet. "Oh okay, well I guess I'll get going then..." I started towards the door. I was still waiting for him to bring up the phone call. "Well, I'll walk you to your door." As we trotted across the full green grass that was already starting to gain dew I waited for him to just tell me it was nothing. As we approached my front door I turned around to face him. I wasn't sure if friends hugged or shook hands or how they really said goodbye. He did though, he leaned it gave me a quick small hug. As he turned to walk away I spoke up, "When do you leave again?" He paused for a second and then turned back around just at the bottom of my steps. "What? Leave for what?" He wasn't going to tell me, and on top of that I was pretty sure he was going to pretend like he had no idea what I was talking about. "I heard you on the phone," my gaze dropped, "so when do you leave again for the next tour?" He paused. Without saying a word he turned around and sat on my porch steps and let out a huge breath. "I don't even think I'm going Lindsey. I mean they want me to and the guys and everyone might go on it but I told them I wasn't sure I was going to join. I just wanted to know more information about it just in case. Are you mad?" I took a seat beside him. Of course I'm hurt. He just got home and we just got things back on track and it's still so hard. I knew that being friends probably wouldn't even work because I'm still so attached to him. I didn't want him to not go because of me or think that I'm hurt and cause more drama. So I lied.

"No, I mean we are just friends it okay if you want to go. I couldn't hold you back from your fame Hayes...if you wanna go then go. You'll be great and it'll be lots of fun." Awestruck by my answer he looked at me and I did my very best to hold back tears. "A-Are you sure?" I hesitated but I nodded confirming my answer. "Well, thank you...I mean I still don't know if I want to go but I'm glad to know you support me. I'll call you tomorrow Lindsey, I feel like this friendship thing will go really well. Goodnight. If you need anything I'm just next door." He pushed himself up and tiredly dragged himself back to his home next door. I let out a shaker breath and with small tears falling down my face, I walked inside and up to my room.

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