33.-Reality Check-

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The rest of the weekend for the lads turned out to be great ... and also filled with sex of course. Now Monday has finally arrived and they were able to be back home just in time for a quick morning rest. The four of them received notice from the school that there will be no classes today to commemorate the death of one of the school's founders. That worked well for them as they got more time to sleep. Well for Brad, Mason and Tris. Connor and James on the other hand has to drive towards Ben's university and asked him about his sudden visit the other day.

"Are you ready to meet him?" James asked a sleepy Connor.

 "Do I look alright?"

 "You look grand babe, come on?"


 The two lads then got out of the car and went inside the same pizza joint where they first talked to him about Charlie Sumner. But this time, Ben is the one who waited for them. Due to the environment's way of accepting all sexuality, James is not scared to hold Connor's hand. The two then approached Ben and sat on the seats in front of him.

 "Hello guys" he greeted but they did not reply. Instead, James asked him if he's ready to admit that he's Charlie.

 "Actually I'm ready to admit something"

 James readied his fist, so he can punch Ben right away.

 "Yes guys, I am Charlie"he uttered while keeping his head down. James was about to give him a punch, but Connor stopped him from doing so. "Fuck you dude why would you lie to us?" a furious James asked.

 "I got scared okay?. I only did that to protect Connor"

 "Why? protect him? am I a freak to you?"

 "No. But you're a heart breaker"

 James's heart dropped, a part of him knew that Ben is right ... he's a heart breaker  ... he broke Ben's heart and that could be the same reason why the lad is trying to keep Connor away from him ... so he won't suffer the same fate.

"I will not do that to Connor!"

 "James.. please" the young lad whispered to him.

 "I know that now. i admit, I was mad and a bit jealous at first that's why I did it... but now I see how much you two love each other. I won't be a threat to you anymore, but still be careful"

 "Be careful?" James asked sarcastically.

 "Yes James"

 "Why?" Connor then asked him.

 "Because I am not the only trying to bring you down"

 "Who else?"


 "What?" James asked.

 "She helped me get the pictures I posted ... she told she wants to do the same and expose you so she can have full custody of your kid. Be careful, she really means everything she said"

Panicking, James called the babysitter. "Where's my son?" he asked as soon as she accepted his call.

 "He's sleeping"

 "Good. Don't let anyone in okay?"

 "What? why?"

 "Just do what I say"


 Realizing that maybe all of this is a part of Melissa's plan, James and Connor left Ben and hopped on to the car. "You do know we're gonna have to come back here right? We're not finished with Ben" Connor uttered.

 "I know .. but right now , we have to assure that Mason is safe"

 "Why? It's not like she's gonna take him"

 "Connor ... she might ... her flight to Australia is today ... we need to make sure that she'll leave without him ... right now .. I think she's gonna come for Mason"

 "Holy Crap"


Brad drove by Tristan's house to get some of his notebooks. "Come in, I'll just get them form my room" the blonde haired lad replied after letting curly inside his house.

He then sat on the couch as Tris ran up the stairs. Suddenly, Tristan's phone, which he left on the table, received a message. Not wanting to spy on him but at the same time getting curious about the text ... Brad picked his phone up. His heart dropped when he saw Tristan's ex-girlfriend's name on the screen.

 "Come over tonight? ;)" she asked.

Brad's heart skipped a beat as he carefully placed the phone back on the table. Then another message came in. This time it's a picture. The curly haired lad opened it and saw her literally naked in bed with the caption "This misses you ;) xxx"

"Are you reading my texts?!"

 Brad looked up and saw Tris staring him down. "I ... I" he doesn't know what to say or do.


that's it for this part guys ^^ . can James and Con prevent Melissa from taking Mason? What will happen to Brad and Tristan? stay tuned  xx . last 7 chapters

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