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Incase you didn't know, the crazy looking guy above this, is a video.

❤️Layla's P.O.V.❤️


      "Stop it Matt!! It-it-it tickles!! Stop!! Please!! I'll do anything!!" I laugh.

     "Really?? Anything??" Matt asks with a smirk on his face, but it was his evil smirk.

      "Well anything besides anything that involves taking off clothes, kissing, or anything that can lead up to something else besides kissing. K??" I say. Each word I say, the smirk falls off his face. He sits there and thinks for a little bit with his dark eyebrows scrunched together, trying to find a loop-hole in my conditions. When he can't find anything, he says fine, and a ghost of his smirk comes back onto his lips.

       "Ok. Make me lunch!!" he squeals like a high school girl.

       "Fine. Get up then lazy butt." I say.

        When I'm done making his sandwich to his liking, I sit in silence watching him eat. When he finally finishes, he says something, but I'm too fixated on his lips to hear, only see them moving. His hand waves in front of my face.

         "Huh?? What?? Sorry, what were you saying??" I ask.

          His cheeks tinge a light pink, as if he's embarrassed to say what he said earlier again. "I said that I love you."

           I laughed a little bit. "I love you too. I don't know why your embarrassed for saying that. We say that all the time to each other."  We had usually said that we loved each other, but as friends.

         "No no no. That's not what I mean."

           "Then what do you mean??"

          "I mean that I love you." Matt said.

           "I'm still so confu- Oh!! Oh." he just had to do that. Make my life more complicated. But do I love him like that??  How do I know?? "Excuse me for just a sec Matty." I peck his lips and leave the kitchen. I grab my phone from the living room couch and run into the bathroom, closing and locking the door. I go to the google app and search in 'how to know if you love your boyfriend.'  Some results popped up and I clicked on the first link. It said that if I love him, I would do anything for him. I thought about it for a second. Would I do anything for Matty?? I would. Then in said I would get tingles whenever he's around. Check. Lastly it said that if you were in love with him, you would always feel happy when they're around. Check again.

I run out of the bathroom and into the kitchen doorway. I peak my head in and see Matt with his head against the counter muttering things like, 'She doesn't love me back.' 'I really messed up' 'Maybe I should just leave.' I run into the kitchen and wrap my hands around his wrists and turn him around before pressing my lips against his and kissing him like there was no tomorrow.

"I love you too Matty" I say against his lips. We continued to kiss for a few more minutes, then we broke apart, breathing heavily, Matty's lunch forgotten.  

             Later that day we went to the movies to watch Inside Out. During the entire movie he was playing with the ends of my hair. Except for the part at the beginning with the volcanoes. Matt was crying during that part. I just sat there laughing at him. But silently because we were at a movie theater, while sat there silently bawling, once again cuz we were at a movie theater. We had decided earlier that we were going to walk around the city and look at the small trinket shops meant for tourists. We walked into a shop called Imaginable and heard chimes ringing, announcing our presence.

             "Hello!! How may I help you??" the sales clerk spoke to us.

             "Hi. We don't need any help right now. We're just looking." I respond.

             "OK. Just let me know if you need anything. If I'm not up by the counter, I will probably be in the store room in the back, so just ring the bell and I will come to save the day!!" she jokes.

                We start to walk around the store, pointing out cute things. After awhile and only picking out one thing for each of us, we went to check out. We rung the bell because she wasn't at the counter. When she came, she rung up the items and told us our price. I went to take my wallet out of my front pocket of my purse so I could pay for my trinket, but I couldn't find it. I guess I had zoned out because the next thing I knew, was faintly hearing the clerk to have a nice day and Matt saying 'Are you looking for this??'. Apparently he had stolen it when we were walking, knowing I was going to try to buy my own stuff.

                   We walked around the city a bit more, then found a park and sat down at a bench. I pulled out the trinket I  was supposed to buy. Matt and I had decided we were going to get each other something, so technically, it wasn't MY trinket, but Matt's. He gave the gift he got me, and I gave him the gift that I got him. We opened them at the same time and what he got me was so spectacular, it almost made me cry at its beauty. He got me a diamond bracelet that was weaved sort of, and then it had a silver bottom half. (Sorry. I'm really bad at describing, so I put a picture of the bracelet in the media bar. I bet the bracelet is worth thousands, but I'm just gonna say that it was worth like $20. Capishe, Caposh.)  I looked up at him and hugged him while saying thank you repeatedly. When I came out of the hug, I just looked up at him with my eyes shinning, full of happiness. I hoped that he liked my gift as well. I knew that he was into comic books, especially the older ones, so I got him a complete set of the oldest comic books that I could find in the tiny shop.

                     "Do you like it??" I ask worriedly.

                      Instead of saying anything, he smashed his lips down against mine. When we broke away, he said how much he loved it. In a teasing manner, I replied back,

                    "Even more that me. Well now I see how you feel. Hmph."

                 We spent the rest of the day together, and after dinner we just sat on my living room couch, cuddling and watching Cinderella, the older version of course. (I have nothing against the new human version, just there's nothing better than the classic cartoon Cinderella.) As we were sitting there, I was drifting off to sleep. The last thing that I heard was 'I love you' coming from Matt.


Whew. Finally done with the prologue, with over 1000 words. Yay!! So I will update when I can, so don't pressure me. So yeah. Thanks!!


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