Phantom Newspaper Club Ch1

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Chapter 1: Mysterious Newspaper

            In an area in Japan, there was a giant school that was made out of three tall skyscrapers connected by long clear tubes with walkways. This school teaches differently from most, one of the buildings taught military training, another academics, and miscellaneous things like clubs.

            Our main character, Shou Matsuda, finds himself with a group of people in a room covered with mats. I was wearing a judogi, with my short black hair and eyes. I was only 5 foot 9 inches tall.

            “Alright you wimps get a partner and start sparring from the judo you’ve learned!” The teacher yelled at us.

            I hurriedly got a partner and begun my sparring with my classmate.

            “I got a cautious opponent this time.” I analyzed. We slowly closed our distance then he lunged at me, caught my judogi and threw my back on the ground.

            “Good fight.” He said as he offered to help me up. I took his hand and got up.

            “My back~” I said sullenly as I started to smooth my injury.

“I had to spar with so many people today.” I sighed.

            After school, I was wearing my school uniform consisting of a blue-stripped black tie, a white shirt, black jeans and jacket.

            “Class’s finally over. Time to get to club.” I said as I headed toward another skyscrapers. I walked with the other crowds of people who are headed to the miscellaneous building for clubs, etc. After I got to my destination I took out a key and opened the door. The interior was quite small and only contained a few lockers and some janitor equipment with orange painted walls. I walked to my right side and faced an empty wall. I kneel down and removed the trim effortlessly. Then I take a rope that was hidden and pulled it down. I let it go and it spun right up and a large iron door was in front of me. I took out another key and unlocked the door, then before closing it, I pulled the rope back to its original position and but the trim back on. After, I close the door and examined the area inside.

            I sat down on a chair in the blue room with a mini-kitchen, bathroom, refrigerator, a desk, a light bulb above, and a few chairs. I took out a laptop from the desk and started to type. After a few minutes the door swung open and someone came through. The man was 5 foot 6 with ruffled black hair, brown eyes, wearing the school uniform.

            “Hey Shou.” He said.

            “Hey Kyou. Do you have them?” I asked.

            “I got the pictures right here.” Kyou said as he took out a few pictures from his pocket and handed them to me.

            “Perfect, with this I can finish this.” I said.

            “I can’t wait to see what’ll happen tomorrow.” He said excitedly.

            “Just don’t get too excited and ruin everything.” I told him.

            “Yes sir.” He said sullenly.

            The next day, I arrived in class and sat at the chair at the far end of the room near the window. There I heard a group of girls talking to my right.

"The Phantom newspaper club has a new article out!" One girl said.

"Phantom newspaper club?" Another asked.

"You didn't know? There's this weird club that is completely unknown except we know they go to this school. The spread their articles through methods anyone can trace. The articles go from compliments to scandals and they always tell true stories with facts, but there is only a limited copy and the teachers would usually confiscate it. It’s weird how no one even knows who they are and somehow avoided the teachers, students, and cameras from noticing them.” The girl informed.

           "Wow, do you guys have an article?" The previous one asked.

           "Nope, it seems that today the papers were given to specific people. That group is really mysterious." She said.

"So today's paper is a success." I thought.

Hours later, the bell chimed signaling the end of class and time for lunch.

“Hmm. There’s no point in staying here, might as well get some fresh air on the roof.” I decided.

After I arrived on the roof I took the ladder and got even higher and laid down.

“This is nice.” I thought as the wind flew past me. Then the door beneath me started to open but I decided not to do anything. Soon someone’s shadow was over me.

"Today's article raked in plenty of attention, the nurse that was making out with those 3 child-looking guys are is in the principal office." Kyou informed me.

"What do you think will happen?" I asked

"She'll be fired, there are photos on our article which is undoubtedly evidence as well as facts supporting it." Kyou said.

"Oh, and I have a good scoop for our next article" Kyou informed me as he handed me a piece of paper.

"Hmm." I quickly skimmed the piece of paper.

"Not a bad scoop, I'll investigate a bit, make sure you get the need pictures for the other parts of our articles." I said.

"Yes sir!" He emphasized military style and left.

“Looks like I got my work cut out for me.” I murmured as the bell rung. “Time for a sword fighting class eh?”

“Alright everyone get a partner and begin!” The coach yelled. Instead I decided to lie on the wall till the teacher partnered me. Then I heard some people off to the side talking.

“Oi junior, let’s bet to see if I can score a point off that guy in the next 2 minutes you’ll pay up $30 if I lose I’ll pay you. You’ll bet right.” He said forcibly and pointing at me.

“Y-Yes.” He whimpered.

“Hey, can I be your sparring partner?” The same guy asked.

“Sure no problem.” I said nicely. We got on the mat and wield our wooden swords. He lunged at me and tried to hit me on the side. I did a light parry and with the delay of his swing, I closely evaded it. He continued a relentless offensive, which I continuously evaded and parried.

After two long minutes, my opponent was breathing quite heavily and looked wearily. In comparison to me, who was sweating much less and breathing lightly.

“I should fake my fatigue or it’ll look suspicious.” I thought.

            “Alright everyone, we’re done with sparring practice now.” The coach yelled.

            “Thanks for the good spar.” I said kindly as I held my hand out.

            “Thanks for the spar.” He said as we shook hands.

            “Che.” He muttered under his breath as he left.

            Sparring ended and we were heading back to our class with me at the end of the line.

            “Haaa~ that was tiresome, maybe it would’ve been better not to have fought him.” I sighed.As I walked toward classroom, I felt someone grasp my shoulder and pull me away from the line of people. Then I found myself facing a 5 foot 7 medium-sized breast girl with long, light brown hair, orange eyes, red and black-checkered skirt at knee-length, and a scarlet jacket.

She said, "Why did you do that?"

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