Phantom Newspaper Club Ch2

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Chapter 2: Difficulties with the Student Council

            “Ummm. What are you talking about?” I responded.

            “You know what I’m talking about.” She quickly replied.

            “I really have no idea what’s going on. Are you done yet? I have to get back to class.” I said innocently. Then she closes the distance between our faces until she’s at breath reach looking directly at my eyes.

            “Fine.” She said as she walked away.

            “I wonder what exactly was she even talking about.” I thought as I headed back.

            After class ended.

“Haa~ I can’t figure her out. I’ll just go to the roof and see what Kyou knows.” I thought as I headed to the roof.

            “Hey Kyou, I need to get me some info.” I asked.

            “So whose the unlucky person we’re going to use for our next scoop?” Kyou said excitedly.

            “We’re not using that person for the next scoop, I just have a feeling it’ll be smarter if I do. Her name is Rena Kobayashi.” I informed.

            “O-oh so you finally decided to get a girl.” Kyou said sounding more excited.

            “You should know that’s not true.” I said as I got up and gave him a chop on the head.

            “Oooooooowwwww.” Kyou said as his knees buckled down and he tried to protect his head with his hands. “You really don’t hold back do you?”

            “It’s your fault. I’m sure we established that speaking about romance and getting a girl for me is forbidden.” I said menacingly.

            “I got it. I got it. Just don’t hit me again that hurts like hell.” Kyou whined.

            “So what do you know?” I asked as I sat on the ground.

            “Rena, eh? Let’s see first and foremost she’s the student council’s vice-president. She is an academic honor student, popular from her looks, black belt in karate, and 2-dan in kendo.” Kyou quickly informed.

            “I see. If it’s only that I’ll have no problems. It would’ve been annoying if she had powerful backing.” I said confidently.

            “So she’s our enemy?” Kyou asked concerned.

            “No, it’s my problem to deal with.” I said very relaxed.

            The sound of a large bell being rung sounded throughout the school.

            “Finally, time for class to end.” I thought as I started to leave. As I walked through my usual route to get to my hideout, I noticed a room that never opened the door. I causally walk pass and peek through.

            “Yo, Shou.” The man inside waved, sitting on top of one of the desks. He was wearing our school uniform, with grizzled hair, and square-shaped glasses.

            “It’s been a while since we last met, Jin Kusakabe. 2 years right?” I asked.

            “Yeah, these two years really changed us. It’s so weird how I became the Student Council President.” Jin said with a smile.

            “At least you’re better than me. I’m the worst of my class.” I smirked.

            “Is it because of that promise?” Jin asked.

            “I guess that’s one of the reasons. I better get going now.” I replied.

            “If you need anything, I’ll do anything I can to help you out.” Jin told me.

            “Isn’t that an abuse of authority? You’ll be removed from presidency if you did something like that.” I said sarcastically.

            “Repaying you for what you’ve done is greater than any position I’ve gained. It’s because of you that I achieved any of this.” Jin said modestly as he bowed.   

            “I’ve done nothing like that.” I said as I left the room.

            After walking a bit in the hallway, I ended up walking in an area without people.

            “Hey, come out.” I called out.

            “How did you notice?” Someone behind me asked. I turned around and saw Rena in the middle of the hallway.

            “I felt something follow me.” I said.

            “I-I see.” She said.

            “So can you tell me why you were following me?” I asked with fake curiosity.

            “You’re way too suspicious. Right after you left, I saw the president a few minutes ago and he had a smile on his face, which never happens.” She explained.

            “Must be your imagination, I didn’t talk with him much.” I said honestly.

            “Hmpf, you just keep piling the lies and never answering honestly.” She said as folded her arms and glared at me suspiciously.

            “I still don’t know what you’re talking about.” I lied, as I played innocent.

            “Never mind.” She said as she gave up and left.

            “This’ll be a problem if she keeps following me.” I sighed as I continued to walk.

            After walking a few minutes, I stumbled upon a weird site. There was someone’s bottom half sticking out of the vent and wearing the boy uniform.

            “Kyou.” I said.

            “Is that you Shou? Help me out!” Kyou asked.

            “Even though I gave you blueprints for the vents. I can’t believe your trying to get some pictures again. Let’s see, this should be the closest to the girl’s volleyball team locker room.” I said as I kneeled down near him.

            “Ehehehe. Sorry.” Kyou apologized.

            “Fine, Give me a second.” I asked. Then I pulled both of Kyou’s ankles, but instead of him getting out. He hit his head right before the entrance of the vent.

            “Oww. That hurts.” Kyou complained. Then I let go and pulled again.

            “S-Stop!” Kyou yelled. But I repeated letting go and pulling.

            “Are you done yet?” Kyou whined.

            “Fine. Make sure your head is close to the bottom of the vent.” I told Kyou. Then I pulled and he came through.

            “Thanks. That was tough.” Kyou thanked.

            “Haa~ don’t cause trouble like this again or I’m going to punish you seriously.” I threatened.

            “I got it.” Kyou said frightened. “I’ll be leaving now.”

            The next day classes ended. I was taking my usual route and noticed something truly weird pass me. It was a giant ramen bowl, with noodles, soup, and green onions.

            “…….” I thought.



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2011 ⏰

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