Camping (S)

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Okay so I didn't know whether or not to class this as smut, so I just did to be on the safe side and avoid arguments. Enjoy anyway 😋

"Look man, I didn't spend an hour putting up a tent in the freezing cold, just to come and sleep in here." Rhett, throwing his sleeping bag over his shoulder, pulled at the tent zip and braced himself to go out into cold again. Before getting even one foot out Link grabbed onto Rhetts wrist, firmly digging his nails into the soft skin. "You know I don't like it when we have separate tents, it gets dark and cold and anything could come along and try to eat me."

Rhett could see genuine worry on Links face, but he knew deep down that it was better for both of them to stay clear of each other at night. They'd end up staying up most of the night talking about how they feel about each other, but how they shouldn't do anything about it. It was a conversation Rhett had grown tired of by now, he had no objection of pursuing a relationship, Link on the other hand didn't want to ruin the friendship. It hurt and Rhett refused to go through it tonight.

He wiggled out of Links grasp letting his glance fall to the floor. "I'm sorry Link, I just can't. You'll be fine and we've gotta get up early anyway, it'll be morning before you know it." He looked up again to at least grant him with a sympathetic smile. "ok, I guess I'll see you in the morning then." Rhett exited before he could talk himself into staying, he caught a glimpse of the tears threatening to fall from Links eyes.

The sudden cold whipped at Rhetts body, a cloud of sand coating his figure and mostly getting mangled in his beard. He made it the ten or so feet to his tent and brushed himself off when he got inside. Being left alone with his thoughts and the image of Links teary eyes, he felt himself questioning everything. Was one night tucked up against Link really worth the pain he would feel when they'd pretend it never happened? Could he cope leaving Link alone?

He let out a deep sigh after already removing his hiking gear and undressing to his boxers, damn it Link. He took in a deep breath bracing himself for the cold winds again, then on the count of three he ran for it. His long legs meant he was only in the cold for a few seconds before he was fumbling with the zipped entrance and tumbling into the small tent. He fastened the entrance shut and looked over to see Link quickly rubbing his eyes and hiding his face. His heart dropped. He did this.

"Link" he brushed sand off himself the best he could before hesitantly making his way towards Link, like he was approaching a frightened kitten. "Did you forget something? Because I don't need you if that's why you're here. I was just about to fall asleep." Rhett sat down beside the sleeping bag and gently prodded Links back with his index finger. "Actually the truth is, I got scared and I was wondering if you could protect me, maybe keep me warm."
"No thanks" Link was lying through his teeth, he wanted Rhett to stay with him so badly, he prayed he might be a little more persistent. "So you're just gonna let me go back to my tent and freeze to death?" Both men paused for a moment, even their breaths were counteracted by the howling wind outside. Then Link stirred a little, moving over to allow Rhett access to the warm sleeping bag, but he didn't turn to face him or even acknowledge him at all.

Rhett slid into the warm pocket, pressing himself against Links radiating body, he heard a muffled sniff and felt another wave of guilt. "Link look at me." The first time he got no reaction, but after asking a second time Link shifted himself on the other side of his body, so that he was face to face with the taller man. As the moonlight lit Links face he could now see his damp cheeks and puffy eyes. "Gosh Link I'm so sorry-" he wrapped an arm around him, pulling him so they were chest to chest. "-I know how scared you get, I was being selfish when I left, but I'm here now. No one is going to hurt you." More tears began to fall from Links eyes, he tried to hide it by burying his face into Rhetts neck.

"I thought you were going to leave me in here all night. I was s-so sacred."
"Ssshhh, I've got you. I've got you."
Rhett continued to soothe him with hushed words and soft touches, the skin on skin contact sending electric pulses through his body. He took a fist full of dark hair, inhaling the scent and then gently moved his head back to look Link in the eyes. "I know you hate how complicated I am, and I know you think I'm pathetic for being afraid of taking this further. I see how sad your eyes are sometimes and know it's my fault."
"Link stop."
"No, I have to tell you this."
"I'm perfectly fine for us to stay just friends, I really don't-"

Rhett was cut off by a sudden pressure on his lips. Link was kissing him. He didn't move for a moment due to the shock, but soon he snapped out of his haze. When he began to kiss back it was like he'd been searching for something his whole life and now he'd finally found it.

Link pulled away as if he were taking a breath, but only for a second before he was leaning in again. Instead of freezing this time, Rhett leaned toward him and kissed back immediately. Nothing seemed rushed, more like hungry and lustful. These feelings and urges had been building up for so long and now they could finally pour out all at once.

Link seemed undecided on where to put his hands, he would cup Rhetts cheeks for a few moments and then slide his hands down to press his palms flat against Rhetts bare chest. Rhett on the other hand was fascinated and almost mesmerised by having his fingers laced through Links hair. He tangled and tugged at the routes, earning approving moans from his partner.

Link broke the kiss again and shifted his weight in order to bring one leg over Rhett and straddle him. He sat looking down at his own hands dancing over Rhetts burning skin. "you warm yet?" A seductive grin tugged at the corner of his lips as he waited for a reply. "Nah, I'm freezing" with that, Link was hungrily attacking Rhetts neck, sucking at the skin and biting down with a fair amount of force, not enough to hurt though.

Without realising, Rhett thrusted up to which Link reacted by grinding down, both of them falling apart at the feeling of the friction. They went back to kissing each other, still grinding rhythmically matching each other's movements. When the heat on Links stomach became unbearable he paused, an inch between their lips, both were a panting mess, sharing each other's breathes.

Link had a flash of emotion show on his face of what appeared to be regret, this is exactly what Rhett had feared. "It's ok if you don't want to."
"No, I do trust me I really really do. Just not here, I want to be at home not in a tent in the middle of the desert." Rhett breathed a sigh of relief, reconnecting their swollen lips only for a second.

Link curled himself back into Rhetts side, entwining their legs and losing himself against his strong body. Rhett hugged him tighter, kissing him on the forehead before closing his eyes and drifting into sleep. They fell asleep in each other arms, warm and protected, with quiet snores escaping Links nose and a sweet smile playing across Rhetts face.

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