My Sis the Celebrity

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My name is Jonah Walker, and my sister is Nicole Walker. She is about to try out for "American Idol"! In my opinion she is pretty good. We are in a special room for hair, makeup, and waiting, while we listen to the speaker they call names,"We need Courtlyn Young, Cassadie Pope, and Nicole Walker! Nicole yelps in excitement, as my mom rushes her backstage the rest of us find our seats in the audience. The first girl takes the stage and gets voted off, the second gets on and makes it. Up next is Nicole, she is singing an original song she wrote called "Chase Your Heart". The music starts as she begins to sing, my heart is pounding, I look over at a judge a smile is on their face. As the music slows to a stop Nicole grins. The judges huddle up, judge number 1 says yes, judge 2 says yes, and judge three says...yes!!!!!

Chapter 2

Well Nicole won "American Idol" and she has become full out famous. I hate to say it but I am becoming jealous, in two weeks she has been asked to be on 40 different TV shows!!!! "Jonah, i'm thirsty, get me water NOW!" Nicole yells It's like i'm her servant. "Get your own!!" I yell back. I am leaving, I am running away from home. I begin to pack, As I close the front door of my house I notice a strange van parked in front of my house, before I can say anything I am thrown in the back of a van. I realize what is happening, I am being kidnapped. I scream and yell but it is no use they take me far away.

Chapter 3

After about 3 hours we stop I am carried into a room filled with kids, "They must have stolen them too" I think to myself. The people leave and lock the door behind them. I turn to a kid who looks like they are around my age "Where are we?" I ask. We are stolen kids these people steal kids and hoard them in their basement. "What happens when kids try to escape?" I asked. "I can't tell you, thats another rule, if one of us tells someone about it we are dead."She explains ending his sentence with a shudder. "Dang it, the one time i forget my phone!" "Hey kid!" I tap her shoulder as she turns around. "How old are you i'm twelve?" "Me too!" she replies. "Hey, maybe if we make it out you wanna go out sometime?" I ask. "Sure, your cute." she says back. "Hey,so whats your name?" I ask a little embarrassed. "Oh my name is Ashley." "Well I gotta go." Ashley says she turns to leave but turns and kisses me on my cheek and runs away. "Wow" I think to myself, "She is smokin' hot!" Ashley is a blonde, semi tall, she has long hair blue eyes and freckles on her cheeks. She is like my dream girl but better. Ten minutes later another kid is thrown in here. He looks about my age too. He is tall has short curly hair and glasses he walks over to me as I say exaggerated,"Join the club."

Chapter 4

Well I have been here for four days. I hate this. I just wish someone would save us. Although me and Ashley are the best boyfriend girlfriend couple ever. We have kissed everyday the longest one was four minutes long! She is just so pretty! She said that I was smoking hot too! Also i have made friends with the kid who came in four days ago. I found out his name is Jacob McNamee! He is awesome. He is exactly like me we both love video games and both of our sisters were on american idol! What a small world!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2013 ⏰

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