Before you read: This actaully took while to write, At first I actauly didnt know what i was feeling relief, joy, fear? It took many times of writting, erasing and rewritting, I hope this story inspires you, the reader to think before you involve your self in desturctive behaviors, be aware that your action dont just effect you but effect the ones around you. I worked many hours on it and still I feel it will always be unfinshed, But no matter what it will always have the same inspiration message I think I'm getting across, keep going, dont give up, some one always is thier even when you think your alone, your not. When your dune reading I hope you will understand the meaning I was trying to get across. If you have any questions, Please feel free to comment or message me! One last thing this is truely in honor of 13 amazing people who saved my life and made me feel wanted, 2 in particular, but I love them all dearly with all my heart, they are my real friends, and Thank you so much. This would not have been possible to write with out your constant love and support! Enjoy!!
More than a year ago I started,
Three month ago I stopped,
It wasn't hard,
But it wasn't easy either,
And the urge still linguines,
But I get through it,
I keep going,
It doesn't just hurt me,
It hurts the ones I love,
I never wanted to hurt anyone
My friends,
That's never what I wanted to do,
More than a year ago,
I was trapped
Trapped in terrible place,
My life,
It went out of control,
Got worse and worse,
That's when it started,
At first no one knew,
Scars, Marks, Cuts,
Small and almost invisible,
But over time,
They got bigger, deeper, more visible,
And people noticed,
My friends noticed,
My parents noticed,
And they got worse,
So worse,
People left,
So many left,
I felt alone and rejected from society,
Eventually I felt like giving up all together,
And a few times I tried to end it,
But what stopped me?
Who helped me escape the hell I was suffering in?
My parents?
A therapist?
It was my friends,
The 2 who stayed up,
through the night ,
I planned to end,
And got me through it,
They listened,
Made me feel wanted,
All the real ones,
Who never stopped caring,
Who I hurt,
But decisided to stay,
So that's what kept me going when i felt so hopeless,
What stopped me every time I tried to end it all,
What honestly kept me alive this whole time,
I don't believe I can thank them enough,
I thank them all, Even the ones who weren't there that exact night,
They all had an impact that effected me,
That saved my life,
And No matter what,
I'll always love them,
Now three months,
How does it feel?
The urge still lingers,
Sometimes I feel like just ruining it,
But I remember the past,
And don't,
And honestly,
I'm happy,
Really enjoying life actually,
I am Proud that I stopped,
My problems didn't go away over night,
Some days I feel like just ending my life right there and then,
But you know what?
I don't let it get to me anymore,
The drama, failures, and heartbreaks,
Everything that cause anxiety and stress for me,
I just talk it out,
Say how I feel
That simple,
And you know what?
Things turn out alright,
Cause sometimes all you need is someone to listen,
Someone to care,
And life gets better.
Trust me,
Things may seem impossible and scarey and depressing,
But please keep going,
Because their is always,
Someone who cares about you,
Who needs you,
Who cant live with out you
And when you find that someone or someones
Never let them go,
Its your life,
Your decisions,
But keep going,
Cause actions speak louder than words,
And what you do can hurt others,
Smile, cry, laugh,
Even if theirs nothing to laugh, or smile, or cry about
Because some one loves you
And only wishes the best for you!