Walk on the town

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This one is simply Judai having a walk and meeting a special someone

I ran a hand through my hair trying to tame my mane. It was very difficult but eventually I straightened it out into its usual brown puffball like fashion. I grabbed my red jacket trimmed in white and black and threw it on. I grabbed my keys and walks out of my apartment door locking it behind me. I started my way down the stairs of my bleak complex. I was on the way to meet one of my best friends Jun Manjoume. We wouldn't seem like friends and he would never admit but we were. I sighed and hurried down the stairs putting my keys in my pocket

"He probably wants help on the homework... Wait why would he want my help?" He shakes his head and walks through the street towards the coffee shop. Being entranced by his own thoughts he didn't notice the girl before him. Suddenly he stopped and he saw a blue haired girl fall back.

"O-oh sorry I wasn't watching myself" I reached out an arm and she grabbed it "Yeah you outta watch yourself." Her accent was southern. Very cute I noted with a smirk. She looked up into my eyes and I saw them. Perfect green emeralds. They sparkled and were just the prettiest thing I ever saw and I just stared.

"Uh sir?" She asked. I blinked shaking my head

"Oh uh sorry I'm Judai by the way."

She nodded "Yeah I'm Jessie..." She trailer off probably expecting me to just be on my way

"O-oh uh yeah well uh I hope to see you later?" And I walked away from her I heard her faint voice

"Y-yeah.." The rest of the way to the shop I never stopped thinking about her beautiful eyes and cute voice.

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