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Kyle POV
Thunder roared loudly in the skies above as we sped down the highway, not looking back for the fear of being followed. The horrific images burned into my brain will never leave and honestly my mental health is the least of my concern right now as the sirens of the police cars wail past at an alarming rate.
Five minutes later and still it seems the end of the ride is nowhere in sight, no words could describe the pain I felt, the blood now soaking the seats of the jet black Chevy. It had been months since id been outside and now all the suddenly  i'm locked in a truck bound with rope and stricken with fear as we sped down the road leading go knows were

------------------------------------------------------*two months before*
Officer O'Hara POV
"What's the Vic's name?" The policeman tried to ask though it seemed as nobody could even comprehend the crime that has taken place. The crime scene was deafeningly loud as the people rioted for release, unfortunately they could make no progress in the thick barricades.

"Mister! Mister !" A Young child pulled on the policeman's uniform "I know who did it! It was the two butchers from down the street they took him and threw him in their old truck!"

"Do you know the child's name?" He asked almost cutting the child off from his sentence. When the boy shook his head he let out a sigh and tried to locate the child's parents within a few hours a storm began to brew and smell of rain quickly filled the air around us. We found the boys parents about an hour after the storm subsided.
"Thanks for the help kid now go home, remember call if you find a name."

"I will sir" the kid said almost inaudibly before racing off to his parents.

"This is getting more and more difficult by the minute.." I mumble to myself before tripping over a piece of torn cloth almost looked bloodstained, I picked it up carefully and took to forensics to see if the blood was a proper match to young man who went missing.

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