Chapter II - On The Run

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The fire the day before had burnt Rose's arm and Wesley's torso - although they were small burns they would hurt for a long time and the scars would be there forever to remind them of that day.
Everyone in Brukenshire cried the death of all the children and, especially, the destruction of the church for it was the center of the village. No one knew that Rose and Wesley survived so they were alone in the world for good this time around.

The two orphans visited the wrecked building looking around for anything that survived the fire. In the middle of the wreckage, Rose and Wesley search for useful that may have survived the fire. Miraculously, while looking on the wreckage from the girl's dorm, Rose finds some of her things. Some of her clothes were destroyed by the fire but she always to recover some of them. Hidden under a nun's body, Rose found a drawer full of her stuff. Without thinking much of it, Rose moved the nun's body and found her things almost immaculate.

 - Everything is destroyed... - Wesley says walking to Rose with a bunch of semi-burned clothes that he found or took from the dead bodies.

 - Not everything... - Whispers Rose picking up her necklace, a broken bronze dubloon in an steel chain and a burnt letter. She makes a small smile placing the necklace on her neck inside her clothes.

 - What did you find?

 - Nothing special. - Rose smiles weakly putting the letter in her pocket. - Did you find anything helpful?

 - I found some clothes and, fortunately, some food. - Wesley says putting the items in a bag he found. - I also took some coins from the bodies so we may be good for a week.

 - And when the money ends? - Rose asks looking at her nervous.

 - We'll do what must be done. - Wesley says looking at her determined.

Rose and Wesley hear the village people near the fire site and quickly run off to find shelter in the forest.
The two orphans spent the next year surviving in the woods. When the money ran out, they tried to find jobs but, unsuccessful, started to steal food from the market almost everytime able to run from the merchants.
Their year was peaceful, nonetheless, until one night they heard small cries in the middle of the woods. Rose, concerned, convinced Wesley to go with her to check on the noise.
When they got to the sound sorce, they found three small boys trapped in a wooden cage suspended a few centimetres from the ground. The boys stopped crying as soon as they saw Rose and Wesley and looked at them expressionless.

 - Don't worry, we're going to get you out of there! - Says Rose looking at the boys with a reassuring look and smile. - The rope, Wes, I'll cut it and you grab it. - Continues looking at the man grabbing her knife.

Wesley nodded grabbing the rope. Rose cut it and her friend lowered the cage carefully. As soon as the cage layed on the ground, Rose ran to free the children.

 - You're free now. - Says Rose opening the door smiling.

The boys looked at her and then looked behind her and Wesley frightened. Rose looks quickly worried. Wesley repeats her movement and they both see a shadow looking at them with white glowing eyes. The boys quickly run away while the two orphans are distracted.

 - You freed my prisoners! - Shouts the Shadow echoing through the forest. His voice made their bodies shiver and the Shadow hovered over to them glaring at them. His gaze stopped looking at Rose. - I know you...

Rose felt scared and Wesley held her hand.

 - Get ready... - Wesley whispers and he swings his sword towards the Shadow. During the time the Shadow dissolved and turned whole again, Wesley tightened his grip on Rose's hand and ran away.

The Shadow starts following them catching up quickly. They ran as fast as they could making sure they left a safe distance between them and their attacker. Wesley occasionally looked behind his shoulder to make sure Rose was alright and that the Shadow didn't caught up with them.
They got to the harbor and, with nowhere to go or hide, they stopped at a halt. Wesley pulled Rose to his chest and they waited as the Shadow slowly reached them with haunting glowing eyes.

- You will pay... - The Shadow said with its voice chilling them to the core. - My master won't take this sort of disrespect! He's not going to rest... - The two orphans looked at the Shadow surprised when it disappeared after looking horrified behind them.

Rose looked behind her seeing the sun rising and smiled.

- Looks like we were lucky, Wes... - Whispers the girl making the boy look at her and then at the sun. Wesley chuckled slightly.

- Your good heart will get us killed, Rose. - Says jokingly as he caresses her head.

Rose chuckled slightly at his remark but then her expression saddened.

- We need to get out of's not safe...

- But how? It's not like we can walk over water... - Says Wesley back backing away enough to look at her face.

- We can't...but there's something that can... - Answers the girl looking at a navy blue ship with white and yellow details docked on the harbor.

- Do you think they will help us? - Asks looking at the ship.

- We can try... - Answers grabbing his hand and slowly taking him to the ship. They see a chubby man with a red beanie throwing sacks to a pile so he could take them inside the ship.

- Excuse me? - Calls Wesley still holding the girl's hand but making sure that she was partially behind him. The man stood up and looked at the two teenagers.

- Yes? - Smiled the man seeming inviting.

- We need help...we need a way out of this place...can you help us? - Asks Wesley while Rose looked shyly over the boy's shoulder.

- I can try and talk to the Captain, but you best have something to pay him for it. - Answers the man clapping his hands to clean them. Wesley nodded and squeezed Rose's hand so she would get ready to follow the man. - Alright, follow me.

The man started walking to the ship and the two orphans followed him. A strange feeling overcame Rose.

- I don't like this place... - She whispered to her friend looking around.

- It will be alright, we can't turn back now... - Wes whispered back rubbing his thumb on her hand.

Rose nodded still worried and they stopped once the man in the red beanie stopped in front of a dark wooden door.

- Captain, can I come in? - He asked, nervousness present in his voice, after knocking on the door.

- Aye, Mr. Smee, come in. - Said a raspy, strong voice from inside the quarters. It brought chills to Rose's spine and she corrected her posture determined to not show fear.

Smee made a little gesture for Rose and Wesley to follow him as he opened the door and walked inside. Rose and Wesley followed close to each other. Inside, there was a man with his back turned to them and turned to the sun making it hard to recognize the man. He moved his left hand out and the sun caught the silver tool that replaced making the metal shine. Rose tried to hold in a gasp recognizing who the man was.

Captain Hook.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2016 ⏰

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