Chapter 3

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Vics POV

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was my massive head ache, the second thing was the fact that I wasn’t in my own bed. Memories of last night flooded my mind. I remembered the guy and the ally and him pushing me into the wall. I must have blacked out. Did he take me to a hotel room? I knew this wasn’t a house. I had to get out of here. I stood up and nearly fell over from dizziness. This wasn’t good, I probably have a concussion. I was about to walk to the door when someone walked in, someone that wasn’t the guy from last night. He looked and me and smiled. “Hey, you should lay back down, you took at bad hit to the head.” He said walking closer to me. “Who are you?” I tried to sound confident but my words came out as a whisper. The man knew I was scared and gave me a look of sympathy. I needed to get back to my brother. “My name’s Kellin.” He said, taking me by my arms he sat us both down on the bed. “Do you remember anything from last night?” He asked, his voice was seemingly emotionless but I could see in his eyes that he was sad. I shook my head yes, confused to how this guy knew what happened to me last night. Maybe he just found me passed out and was worried so he took me back to his room. But the look on his face gave away the fact the yes he did know what had happened.  “I hate him, he didn’t even know who I was and he did something like that.” I blurted out.  I didn’t mean to say it but once it came out I was glad I said it. Kellin looked at me with a sad look. “He didn’t get to do anything, he ran off after he knocked you out.” I sighed in relief but I was still anger for him even trying someone I hated that he was still out there. He could try this again and actually succeed. “I wish I could kill him.” I said, looking at Kellin as I realize I was being serious. I would do it if I could. I said that not meaning it but I really do mean it. I really do want to kill him. A smirk came to Kellins face, “What if I said you could.

Kellins POV

I ended up telling Vic about my “line of work.” He didn’t freak or anything. He actually liked what I did. And when I told him we could find that guy and kill him he jumped right on the idea. I don’t know why I feel this but I feel like I could trust him with anything, that’s why I told him about my killing habit. Right now we were walking around looking for that guy. It was night again and I was hoping we’d get lucky. We had been walking around for about an hour when I saw the man from last night standing at a corner, looking high out of his mind. Vic saw him to and his eyes filled with hated. All day before it got dark I taught Vic how to stab someone, he had asked for me to show him some things before we went out and looked for this guy. Both of us, with our weapons, walked over to him. He saw us coming and tuned to walk the other direction but we caught to him and pulled him into a secluded ally. I grabbed his hands and tied them behind his back and sat him up. He started to scream for help so Vic put his hand over his mouth and got really close to his face, “Remember us?” Vic whispered to the man. He looked so different now than when I saw him last night, so vulnerable and scared. Vic moved his hand and mine replaced it. Vic got his knife out and got close to the man again. “I hope this hurts.” He said before stabbing the man in the stomach. He pulled the knife out and stabbed him again and again until he stopped moving and his body went limp. I took my hand off his mouth, grabbed my knife, and sliced his neck for good precaution. When we were sure he was dead we left him there and walked back to my motel room. When we got there we sat and talked for a while. Throughout the day we just pretty much talked about killing and stuff so it was cool to hear what Vic had to say, “My brother’s only a few years younger than me so we get along well.” He said smiling. I could see how much he cared for his brother. He looked down for a second looking like he really wanted to say something but he was nervous. Finally he looked up to me and asked, “Kellin, would you mind if I came with you when you leave here?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2013 ⏰

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