01 - A Much-Needed Inception

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I sighed. It was sad, frustrating and tiring. There wasn't even one job opportunity?!

"I give up! I'll just join some shop down the street," I crossed my arms and sunk deeper into the couch. "Come on, my daughter never gives up. Just try for a little while more. Something will come up. Something always comes up," Robert, my dad, said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

He was very supportive when it came to being with the outside world. Basically, financial related. My mom, Samantha, on the other hand, was the house helper. She guided me in how to be a good person and how to live on my own.

"Alright dad, just because you say," I smiled and went back to typing on my laptop. I scoured through a thousand websites by now for any open positions but nothing fit my needs and wants.


"Dad, you've got a message!" I exclaimed and gave dad his phone. He looked slightly confused but then read the message aloud:

Hey Rob! Pls check ur email. I've sent u sumthing that might help Allison.
Cheers, Michael.

"The day just got a bit interesting!" Dad said and walked to the 'family computer'. I was this old PC that was adequate for only checking emails and maybe, using the calculator. Well, one shouldnt complain. I'm thankful that I've at least got my own laptop. If I didn't, I think I'd still be in highschool.

My dad's Gmail opened and there was a new mail. He clicked on it and it said:

Dear Robert,

This is a link for an Internship program that can help Allison. She may get a job at the end at it.



Dad looked at me with a smirk, then clicked on the link. A new page opened , which was the Google website. "I think you should read it yourself first," Dad said and got up from the chair. I sat down and started to read what was written on the homepage:

Google Internship Program

What is it?

Google is giving you a chance to be a part of it. You will be competing in teams to make your way through different challenges, which will earn you points. The team with the most points at the end wins a job at the company.

Why should I do it?

Google is a part of everyone's life. Around the world, every second, someone is using the Google platform for searching, emailing or just watching videos.
You can be a part of this.
The Internship will simulate actual situations that you would be in if working at Google. You will be prepared for a future of countless possibilities.

What do I have to do to apply?

1) Sign up

2) Fill in you details in the 'Intern Form'

3) Patiently wait till our Internship coordinator contacts you. (Telling you if you're qualified or not)

4) They then may ask to interview you, just to see you and talk to you personally.

5) If you meet their expectations, then
CONGRATULATIONS! You are part of the Internship!

6) You will be emailed further details about location, dates etc.

[Sign up]

[Already have a Google Account?]

I stared at the screen. This was to much to take in. Was I actually attempting to maybe become a Google employee? This all seems like a dream!

"Let's check something else," I said and was about to close the tab when my dad stopped me. "What do you mean 'check something else'? This is amazing! Don't throw an opportunity like this away!" He explained.

I sighed, "But its, Google! I mean, I probably wouldn't even be good at the games they have." Mom walked over and put a hand on my shoulder

"Honey, you're amazing! You've studied business and IT from a very prestigious university and, you come from a great family too. There's no harm in trying," She comforted.

She was right. I did graduate from the University of Stanford and I'm a pretty unique individual. Maybe I do have a good shot.

I took a deep breath, "Okay I'll do it." Mom and dad cheered and smiled. It was nice seeing them so happy.

I filled out the form which included basic information like name, age, date of birth, parent's names, email address among others.

It had a section where you had to write about your qualifications and another where you had to write about your self, like special qualities, hobbies and more.

At the end it said to wait a minimum of 12 hours for a response to the submitted form.

Now all I had to do was wait.

*The Next Day*

I knew I'd grow impatient. That's exactly what happened.

I didn't feel like doing anything besides checking my email every now and then. It felt like forever.

But then it came, the email. I clicked on it and semi-dreaded what was written in it. I closed my eyes. I peaked as I slowly opened my eyes.

A wave of relief washed over me followed by excitement as I read the word: CONGRATULATIONS! written in big bold letters.

Mom and dad stood by my side and congratulated me on the opportunity I just earned.

The email further said that my form was so fascinating and interesting that an interview wasn't needed! That Google would want to see me in person.

"See? Aren't you glad you tried?" My dad said. I hugged him tight. He was truly an amazing dad. I pulled in mom, making it a group hug. I couldn't ask for better parents.

At that moment, I couldn't help but feel optimistic, happy and enthusiastic.

Maybe, just maybe, my team would be amazing.

Maybe, just maybe, my team could score the most points.

Maybe, just maybe, I could get that job at Google.

𝔸 𝕊𝕋𝕌𝔻𝕐 𝕀ℕ 𝕋𝕎𝕆𝕄𝔹𝕃𝕐  ~ 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱Where stories live. Discover now