Chapter 10 ~ Pinkamena

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She smiled, letting go of me. I grabbed Sally's hand and pulled her towards where Mommy was sitting on the wooden edge of the playground. Mommy lifted up her black glasses and smiled.

"Whatcha got there, Brookie?" She leaned forwards a little.

I held up Sally's hand and grinned.

"I made a new friend! Her name is Sally and she wants to play with me forever! Can I, mommy? Can I play forever?" I asked. Sally was getting paler by the second, even with how pale she already is.

"Brooklynn, where is this Sally girl?" Mommy asked. I held Sally's hand up again and frowned.

"Mommy, she's right here. Look! She's next to me, she has a pink dress and a teddy bear! Don't you see her too?" I pleaded.

Mommy shook her head and looked down at her phone.

"Brooklynn, she's not real. Go play with your imaginary friend named Sally."

I nodded because Mommy doesn't want to listen to me talk about Sally anymore. Frowning, I walked away as Sally held my hand.

"It's okay, Brookie. She just doesn't want to play with us," Sally reassured me. "Do you want to come meet one of my other friends?"

She has friends other than me?


I thought that, for once, I was actually special.

I guess not.


What am I saying?

Am I just trying to make myself feel different from what I really am? Just another meaningless person, one to live and to die.

But then again, aren't we all just that?


I jumped, scared out of my mind from the yelling and my own thoughts. Sally was waving her hands in front of my face, tears forming in her green eyes.

"Please B-Brooklynn," she stuttered. "Please! Snap out of it!" Sally shook my shoulders.

"Sally, I'm okay. Can we just go already?" I said, now really wanting to just go home and take a nap.

"Yay!" Sally cheered. She grabbed my arms and dragged me over to the swings.

There was a girl with long pink hair standing over next to the swings. She smiled at Sally and waved her over to her. Sally brought me too.

"Hey Sally! Who's your little friend?" The girl had a sweet voice, sweet like frosting.

"This is my best friend, Brookie! You know her already, don't you?" Sally exclaimed.

The pink girl looked flustered at first, but she smiled.

"No, Sally, I don't." She said forcefully.

"My name is Brooklynn. What's your name, miss?" I said politely.

"Well, well, well. Aren't you just a darling little thing? My name is Pinkamena. I'm Sally's sister, sort of." The girl said, her blue eyes sparkling. She grabbed my hand and shook it gently.

I smiled. Maybe she's not so bad after all. Pinkamena grinned back at me, softly dropping my hand.

From somewhere, she pulled out a tray of cupcakes. They had rainbow frosting and glitter all over the top. They looked pretty!

Pinkamena giggled and gestured towards them.

"Girls, you can have one, but just one. I need to save them for home."

I took the end one and tore off the wrapping. Biting into it, I glanced at Sally, who hadn't even taken hers. It tasted like rainbows.

It was awesome.

Hey guys, I know I promised this chapter back with Sally's but I got busy.


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