Kang Shin Woo - Let Her Go

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Since that first time when he passed by her when she was in her habit, Go Mi Nyeo left some kind of impression on him.

Kang Shin Woo never expected to fall for this girl who disguised herself as her twin brother. From the beginning, he felt that he had to look after this girl.

Her voice. . . As if she was some kind of fallen angel. From the time he heard such a sweet voice escape from a person who was supposed to be a man, he couldn't believe it. Couldn't believe that this person was a guy!

Shin Woo felt comfortable with her since the beginning, trying to cheer Go Mi Nam (Mi Nyeo) as she struggled with keeping her disguise together.

Except he couldn't compete with her feelings for Tae Kyung.

"In the end love really sucks," Shin Woo sighs, looking out the window of A.N.Jell's hotel room in Japan's capital.

A.N.Jell was in Tokyo for their annual concert and their schedule was jam packed. It's only late at night that Shin Woo has any time for himself as he's surrounded by his band mates as well as their stylists and managers.

It's also late into the night that he looks back on how he wasn't able to capture the heart of Go Mi Nyeo. In the end being sincere wasn't enough.

But the melancholic thoughts didn't stay long with him.

"Shin Woo hyung!" Jeremy shouted from behind him and Shin Woo turned around in surprise. His blond haired friend appeared at him with a twinkle in his eye.

"What's up Jeremy?" Shin Woo asked, pasting a quick smile for Jeremy's benefit. With Tae Kyung busy with vacation plans with Mi Nyeo, Jeremy was in a state of sadness and Shin Woo couldn't tell whether it was because he missed Tae Kyung or Mi Nyeo more. He didn't want to cause further anxiety for Jeremy so he had to stop being all emo.

"Nothing. Tae Kyung hyung and Mi Nyeo are about to leave Seoul. Now A.N.Jell will be complete. Of course that is if Mi Nam will get in gear and stop letting Yoo He Yi control him so much." Jeremy cackled in glee over the misfortune of their bandmate over his girlfriend's deviousness.

"Ok Jeremy, " Shin Woo said laughingly though his smiling exterior faltered for a bit when he heard that Tae Kyung and Mi Nyeo were coming back together.

"Are you ok?" Jeremy asked, pursing his lip in thought. "Hyung, you know you don't have to bottle up your feelings right?"

Shin Woo looked at Jeremy in shock. "Huh?"

Jeremy sighed. "I know you liked Mi Nyeo. Like really liked her. But of course she rejected you for our prickly hyung. Guess love is blind."

Shin Woo stayed silent, looking back out the window, the lights of the city unfocused as he thought back to the times he spent with Mi Nyeo.

". . ."

Jeremy laid an arm against Shin Woo's shoulder. "I really liked her too, hyung. But her heart has chosen who it wants. And there's plenty of fish in the sea for handsome guys like us, right?"

Shin Woo muttered, "How can you be so nonchalant about this? You just admitted to having feelings for her."

Jeremy chuckled softly, remembering that time at the bus when he cried. He was far from nonchalant but he was able to clean up his feelings properly. He knew Tae Kyung would take very good care of Mi Nyeo.

"Hyung it's ok. It's ok to look back on past rejections and wonder what went wrong. But don't dwell on it so much. It can also be powerful. Knowing that you didn't it let it bring you down. I know you've cleaned up your feelings. Now let it go. I know there's a girl out there for you too. One who will return back your affection and accept you unconditionally. You'll find her, hyung. I know it."

Shin Woo looked at Jeremy, tearing up a little. "Komawo, Jeremy. I think I really needed to hear that."

Jeremy gave Shin Woo a thumbs up.


Well after two years I'm back with one last update to these little shorts. Inspiration has struck as I re-watched this k-drama on Netflix and was reminded of what I loved about it in the first place.

Hopefully, I was able to do justice for Shin Woo who like many second leads was just not able to nab the girl's heart. (Better luck next time, gentlemen!)

P.S. I hope it won't take another two years for me to write something. I can only hope.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2016 ⏰

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