Say no to makeup! say yes to natural beauty!

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I believe all girls want to be beautiful! Even I want to be a white chick! Hahahahaha , not the story alright?

Well, I learnt that we no need to use a makeup to be beauty. We use our natural beauty ! What is natural beauty?

1. Self confidence
2. Always smile
3. Think positive
4. Control attitude
5. Be polite and respect people
6. Always take wudhu' ( for a Muslim)

I love to use my natural beauty! One day, I have a competition. I always smile even when the competition start. When the game has done, one of the teacher praise me "how beautiful your smile is" . so that time I had realise we can just use our natural beauty to look beautiful. But if you want to use make up just it. But you must remember not to put the makeup to over! That's all!!! Thank you!! And don't forget always smiling!

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