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"That Christmas party was nice, I guess." Pandora said trying to make small talk as she slipped on her Ravenclaw Quidditch sweatshirt.

"Yeah, so when can I come over during holiday for a sleepover?" I asked tying my shoes.

"They didn't tell you yet?"

"Tell me what?"

"Your mum, well your family, moved into the flat next to ours!"

"So, we get to see each other almost everyday?" Before our home was down the street and we could walk, which isn't the safest idea, to each other's home.


"That's why I didn't see Kanani in October, they probably moved then."

"Probably." Pandora straightened her glasses and we stuffed our homework into our bags and made our beds before we left the dormitories. "I can't wait."

"Neither can I."

"You won't be missing Albus?"

"Not really, how about James?" I did a little eyebrow dance.

Pandora shoved me," shut up!"

"Why does she need to shut up?" Scorpius tagged along and put his arm around Pandora trying to be cool. Pandora, disgusted, slid herself away from him.

"No reason." Pandora straightened herself and I laughed.

"Fine." He hissed strictly at us which made us take a few steps away from him.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed." I whispered to Pandora who nodded and giggled.

"Screw you, both of you." He said.

"Woah!" Me and Pandora joked causing Scorpius to roll his eyes. It's kind of odd, usually he's quiet and to himself but he's kinda upset and cranky.


We pushed out way through the students bantering and joking around into a compartment that was empty. "Finally, I can sit!" Pandora yelled.

"Calm down." Albus said letting himself into the compartment.

"There you are!" I screamed at him. I hugged him and smiled.

"Yeah..." Scorpius murmured reading his book. I rolled my eyes, Pandora slipped out of the compartment without saying anything.

"Sorry if we make you barf, Scorpion." I joked trying to aggravate him. He hated his nickname. Rose gave it to him when he tried to introduce himself. He seems to fancy her and she fancies him. It'll never happen, what if their families found out? I'd wanna be there and laugh my bum off! The looks on their faces! It'll end up like Romeo and Juliet. Scorpius is a tough lover. He is funny though. "Take a nap if you want, you look sleepy."

"Fine, you-..." He murmured the rest and crawled onto the seats sides.

"He's lovely." Albus told me.

"Extremely." I smiled and he stared at me. My eyes met his and he smiled back. He was staring at my mouth. "Oh, you don't have a problem with my lip ring?"

"Not at all, it makes you, you."

"Of course. I might get a septum piercing for Christmas!"

"That is?"

I pointed to the part of my nose that separated my nostrils. "See."

"I knew that."

"Of course you did."

"I'm a dummy."

"You're my dummy." I hugged him and he didn't wanna let me go by locking me in his arms. His heart beat rate rose and lowered every now and again.

"You're my, um, what are you?"

"What am I to you?"

"My girlfriend."

"Besides that."

"My life." He said causing silence to fill the compartment. Did he just? No. Am I that important to him?

"What did you tell blonde basic bitch what she asked you out?"

"I'm still with you and nothing can separate the two of us. Can she just flick off?"

"Good. I would say that."

"Yeah. I learn a lot from you."

"I'm a very odd person."

"I know."


"Shut up!" He yelled at me as I laughed.

"I am gonna miss you." I looked at him and shed a tear.

"Me too. Promise me to put the blade down. I'll be owling Kanani to check on you."

"I love you." Why did I say that? It was too random. Poop.

"I love you too." We sat there in a compartment with Scorpius. He was asleep so we ignored him. Excluding Scorpion, it was the two of us.

"Scorpion must be tired." I tried making small talk.

"Scorpion? Wait, oh yeah." We called him scorpion since his mum wrote a letter to him and accidentally wrote "Dearest Scorpion," instead of "Dearest Scorpius". Pandora read it first, then Albus, then me. I got the joke last of course.

"Keeping up with the Potters." Me and Kanani accidentally turned on muggle television on in a hotel and that show was on. It was very stupid. The lady named Kim was making a big deal over nothing. The youngest one looks too old for her age and the mum acts like the daughters which when our mum came back from the lobby she caught us and we changed the channel to some  random news stuff. Muggles are so cruel. In horror our father turned off the television. While the whole Kardashian incident happened, he was in the restroom.  I honestly don't know why he's in the military if he can't handle muggle crime. It didn't look as bad as Ireland's wizarding crime. Muggles had a death here and a robbery there, but we have massacres and burning of shoppes. It's sad. Every now and again my family goes out to eat at a pub and a few older drunken wizards breakout into a fight, so we leave. My mum has learned dishes that aren't Hawaiian since that was all she knew. My father would burn the house down if he cooked. One time, he put in too much coal into the fire stove and the stove top was in flames. Now we have a much more advanced stove. It turns on by itself! The stove can heat up with a twist of a knob! It's so fascinating!

Hello Wattpad,

Sticking to my schedule! Woo-hoo! Listening to Melanie Martinez rn cuz it's on my playlist. I suck at softball. I like this boy and he likes this girl on the team who is bitchy. So yeah.


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