kidnapped by Liam Payne

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Hey I'm Elizabeth but my friends call me Liz. I'm not very good in school but I try... I have one good friend named Trisha. she has been there for me through everything. I live in London. Right now I'm at home alone talking to Trisha on face time on my iPhone. she is screaming about this band One Direction I think that's the name of it

"AHHH THEY ARE SO FREAKING HOT!!!!! AND THEY ARE COMING HERE IN A WEEK!!!" She screams through the phone

"Can you calm the fuck down!!!" I say calmly but a bit angry.

"Sorry but I'm just excited that I have two tickets to see them in concert." she stated calmly

"who are you taking with you?" I ask

"umm YOU" she says in a "duh" tone

"ok I'll go but I don't know who they are so I'll look them up I guess..." I said as I hear the front door closes with a slam. "Hey Trisha I gotta go. bye bye hoe"

"alright bitch bye bye" she waves

I click the end button and I look around my empty bedroom and then to my packed suitcase,which is filled with all my possessions, and I walk out my door to meet the drunk women know as my mum.

I walk down to see my mum drinking whiskey. usual. she sees me and walks over and slaps me across the face

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU WHORE!!" She yells in my face and slaps me again. Her slaps don't even hurt anymore. I run up to my room yelling "GLADLY BITCH I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!!" I walking into my room, grabbed my suitcase and phone and charger and hoped out my window. I walk away and I don't even look back

As I'm walking I hear footsteps behind me but I don't think anything about it, because people are always walking at 8:00 pm at night. Then all of a sudden all I see is darkness

kidnapped by Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now