Werewolves In The Out Field

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Werewolves In The Out Field

            Picking himself up, Ario looked around the field. It was completely destroyed. Both Robert and Keegan where gone and the rest of the wolves were dead. Shaking his head clear, Ario tried recalling the events that occurred the hours before. Hunters, human from the smell. They had come and attacked the group that lay rest. The tents were set a blaze and from the look of it, the human hunters burned the bodies. The coin like smell of blood claimed the air. Body parts lay across the dusty winded field.  Ario took a deep breath as he looked at the ruins. This didn’t seem right. The Council was the only one who knew of this gathering. There was a total of twenty four wolves training and waiting here. A sound came from behind him making him tense. Turning around quickly he growled wildly expecting to see hunters. Looking down he saw her.

(Four days before)

(Him along with Keegan and Robert getting off the plane)

Keegan: I’ll see you guys tonight at the Bayou.

(Swinging his duffle bag over his shoulders and walking away)

Robert: What’s the Bayou?

(Slinging his backpack over his shoulders)

(Ario giving him a crooked smile)

Ario: A diner

            With that Ario led Robert back to Gladiator Head Quarters. In the outskirts of Rome, the small city stood unfound and home to all of the High power Councilmen that ruled the Wolf nation. Housing well over two hundred wolves and familes, the area was the main heart of the Gladiator training centers. To attack such a place was well known to be insane and unthinkable. With a lot of convincing, Ario was able to get Joelus, The Alpha of Fort Belvoir Virginia to let him take Robert back to Rome to train with him. Joelus loved Ario like a brother, but the truth was, Ario was a wild card. The only one to truly know him and his intent was Keegan and even than it was a coin toss as to what Ario would do next.  Convincing Joelus to accept the idea took many hours of promising and blood oaths promising no real harm would come to Robert while he stood under Ario’s watch.  When Ario had first met Robert he could sense that with a little training from the wild wolf that he would be one of the roughest wolves out there and after the big fight at the Mill Factory, Ario was sure he could teach Robert a thing or two.  Robert had been a good fighter already, he had proven that during the fight but training with someone like Ario was like training with an Elder.

            Once they were back at HQ Robert took a good look around. Things had changed since he lived there, the Gladiator uniforms were simpler now, suit jackets and black pants, the change must have happened after Joelus’s father became the supreme ruler of the werewolves. Looking at Ario, Robert wondered why Joe had let him go with him. Ario was unstable at best and his outfits showed his disrespect for the other Gladiators. He had made it his business to go out of their way before returning to HQ to go and stop at a shop and get tight t-shirt that said “TEAM EDWARD” and wear it before they got back. It had made Robert laugh in light of what had happened to Connor in the fight. The beautiful tan women at the front desk made a humored look at Ario before speaking.

 Candace: I’m more of a team Jasper fan.

(Looking over to Robert with a seductive smile before laughing)

Ario: He can read minds love, nothing more dangerous than that.

(Crossing his arm in protest)

(Robert looking at Ario surprised that he knew anything about Twilight)

Candace: It’s the quite ones you gotta watch, and they’re usually the best lovers too.

(Winking at Robert who hadn’t spoken yet)

Ario: Easy Candy, He’s still a pup.

(Putting a arm around Robert’s shoulder)

Candace: This coming from the guy who fucked me til my legs crippled for a week, the first year of my transformation?

(Speaking so bluntly)

(Ario looking up as if he was trying to recall what she meant)

(Him changing the topic)

Ario: Anyway, is he in?

(Nodding his head in the direction of the elevator)

Candace: Just got in. He’s pissed though.

(Turing serious)

(Ario keeping the same attitude)

Ario: YES!

(Without a word he grabs Robert and rushes him into the elevator)

Robert: Who are we going to see?

(Leaning back on the wall parallel to the doors)

Ario: General Meeka, he’s a really nice guy.

(Still holding a misfit smile)

Robert: Ok, one more question then; what’s your definition of nice?

(Crossing his arms with a questioning look)

Ario: You’ll see now.

(Turning as the doors open to the pent house office)

            The second Ario’s foot touched the black marvel floor; a flash of red, black and blue came at him, pulling him in. On instinct Robert leaped in the room ready to throw down and expecting to see Ario fighting, but to his surprise Ario had his body on the far wall  propped up like spider man. He was smiling while a man wearing a black and blue suit tried reaching him. His hair was a bright red and the look on his face was lethal. Something of a true Gladiator.

Ario: I thought you’d be happy to see your favorite Gladiator home and safe boss man.

(Kicking at him)

Meeka: You filthy pug, I never gave you leave time.

(Finally ripping Ario off the wall and to the ground)

(Both of his hands around Ario’s neck)

Robert: Release him now.

(Growling his words as his eyes change black)

(Meeka realizing he’s in the room)

Meeka: Hold your tongue boy before I rip it out.

 (Releasing Ario and standing up)

Robert: Try me old man. I’ll kill you and usher in a new age.

(Cracking his knuckles as he steps closer)

(Ario smiling at him)

Ario: Meeka, I’d like you to meet, Robert, he’s my new trainee.

(Patting Meeka on his shoulder as he passes him to stand next to Robert)

Meeka: That’s General Meeka to you. He seems to be as dense as you.

(Looking Robert up and down with disgust)

Ario: I’m glad I found someone too boss.

(Hearing something different from Meeka’s mouth)

(Him and Robert turning to leave)

Meeka: Where’s General Keegan?

(Anger in his voice)

(Ario ignoring his tone)

Ario: Call his office. Just wanted to let you know I was back.

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