The First Strike

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Athaliah watched under the night sky on her balcony with relaxation. The week had been long and it was finally Friday. Tomorrow she would be allowed a day of rest before her ceremony into the Council and then she would be off to the Hunting grounds as her first task as Council member. Her job would be to asses Both General MacDonald’s Squad and Meeka’s team. From what she was told, they were two of the best Generals and their squads came highly requested among the royal families.

(Her chamber doors being knocked on)


Athaliah: I wish to be alone.

(Shouting from her balcony)

(Male voice shouting from behind the doors)

Male: I’ll only be a moment my lady.

            Sighing she walked to the door and opened it. To her surprise, a handsome man stood there. Unlike most of the Gladiators, he wore his hair long. It had all kinds of different colors and was kept in a high pony tail. His whole look was different from the other’s she’d met. Instead of wearing his uniform, he was dressed in a well pressed blue silk button down shirt and had faded black jeans. Something else oozed off of him, something that the others had but his was far more intense. He was lethal. She had never met him before but she could tell he was one of the most deadliest creatures she would ever meet. The mere thought alone made her shiver. It was Keegan.

Athaliah: Is there something you need wolf?

(Hiding her clear fear)

(No disrespect meant by calling him by wolf)

Keegan: No my lady. I’m General Keegan MacDonald, I wanted to personally congratulate you on becoming part of the Council. I also wanted to inform you that my wolves and I have been assigned to escort you to the high ceremony.

(Bowing his head out of respect)

Athaliah: You don’t have to do that yet. Not until Sunday.

(Somewhat embarrassed by his action)

Keegan: My mate Antika speaks highly of you, I believe you’ve already earned respect for winning the other Council members over.

(Giving her a gentle smile)

Athaliah: Ah! She’s a wonderful woman.

Keegan: She’s my ang…..

(Snuffling in air)

(The sound of alarms going off)

            Keegan moved into the room without asking and slammed the door shut. Gently grabbing Athaliah, he moved her to the far corner of the room where there were no windows. She could hear his heart racing as he pulled a dagger from his leg holster. The sound of gunshots and howling started sounding the hallways. Keegan moved quickly to stand next to the door. As if it was planned the door tore open and four men came into the room. Fear consumed Athaliah. She hadn’t been in a situation like this before. The wolf in her said to fight but she was anything but stupid. She knew these men were trained to kill. A moment before they turned to see her, two of the men hit the ground hard. The two men in front turned to see their company cut in half. Both men laid on the floor in a puddle of blood. They looked round freaked until Keegan reappeared again digging his blade into another one. He screeched before dropping as well. There was only one left. He started backing away slowing, back to the door only to be stopped by thumping into Keegan. The man turned with the intent of firing at him, only to have his neck snapped. The sound of bone breaking sent intense shivers down her back.

(Taking a look outside the room to make sure it was clear, Keegan turns and runs over to Athaliah)

Keegan: Are you harmed?

(Looking serious but also concern)

Athaliah: I’m fine, who were they?

Keegan: Human Hunters.

(Looking outside the window)

Athaliah: This whole place is swarming with Gladiators, how’d they get to my room?

(Looking confused)

(Keegan meeting her gaze)

Keegan: I was wondering the same thing.

(Looking somewhat nervous)

(Twenty minutes later)

Ario: I’ll stop, check on her, than meet you there. Be safe brother.

(His voice thick)

Robert: What the hell is this alert all about?

(Rubbing his eye)

Ario: Council members are being attacked. That was Keegan on the phone. He and Council women Athaliah were attacked. As much as I hate to go against what he asked, I’m heading straight for him, I want you to go and stay with Ant. If anyone who’s not wolf tries to stop you, kill them. Scratch that, if anything tries to stop you from getting to her, kill them. She can protect herself but she’s with child, protect her at all cost.

(Putting one hand on Robert’s shoulder)

            Without another word, Robert put on a black t-shirt and left the house. There were gladiator wolves running all around the streets and roofs, some in wolf form and others in human. Only three blocks up a fight had started with wolves and from the smell of it humans. Gunshots declared the air as its home while Robert followed Antika’s sent. Once he reached her apartment complex fear sank in as he caught sight of her fighting a human in the back ally. She was fighting fist to fist with the human male. He seemed to be winning on a count of the blood running down her forehead. Growling low in his voice, Robert phased to his wolf form and leaped at the human and tore his throat open. Blood splattered out of his body as Robert turned and ran over to Antika. Shifting back, he helped her to her feet.

Robert: My God..Are you ok?

(Looking extremely nervous)

Antika: I’ll live, he was too difficult to fight?

(Questioning herself jumbled)

Robert: You’re pregnant, I’m sure it….

(Ant cutting her off)

Antika: Not that pregnant young wolf…..We need to disappear, Keegan and Ario will find us.

(Letting her arm rest over Robert’s shoulder as he and her moved into the shadows)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2013 ⏰

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