I watch all these movies and read all these books about spectacular romance and I wonder if love like that really exists. I mean, they have to exist, right? The writers can't simply make it up, authors write from experience after all.
But if it does exist, how come my fairytale romance hasn't come to me yet? How come every time my heart aches for someone, their hearts aches for someone else?
All these movies and books. . . they're exaggerated. No, high school is not like that, and no, it is very unlikely a boy will sneak out in the middle of the night to see you.
" You won't know you're in love right away. It will take time and I'm telling you, it will be worth it. But in that time, don't waste it waiting for love. Too often people make that mistake. Instead, live your life. Do crazy things and study and work hard and do everything you can possibly do. Love will find you amidst all that craziness and it will fit right in. Never wait. Because every second counts. One day, the person that loves you will see you take your makeup off and wonder why you ever put it on. You will never have to try for them. Ever. Because they will love you at your worst and they will love you at your best and they will always love you no matter what. And if that person doesn't fit in to any of those categories, they are not the one."
That's what my mom told me the night I came home with tears streaming down my face after my first heartbreak. And she knew.
She knew that there is more to come. Your heart is strong and it will be broken thousands of times. But you will meet that one certain individual whose demons play well with yours and your hearts will heal each other. They will be stronger than ever after enduring so many heartbreaks, and that my dear, is beautiful. That, is love.
Excerpts from stories I'll never write
PoesieFrom the depths of my soul, yours truly.