Chapter 10

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Eleanor drives them all back to the resort and makes sure they all get into bed without getting in trouble or waking any of the guests. Liam only knows this because she recounted the story twice over breakfast while glaring at everyone.

"I'm annoyed at these two," she says, pointing her toast at Harry and Niall, both of whom look like shit. They were all more than a bit hung over, even Liam. "But you, Liam. I'm surprised at you. And a bit--," he waits for the word disappointed, "impressed."

Liam blinks at her. "What?"

She laughs. "I didn't think you had it in you, to be honest. You were smashed, and, if the smell of weed clinging to you was any indication, a bit high, too. You're quite the funny drunk, you know. You explained to a group of about seven guys, who were hanging on your every word, the best way to make their rooms look clean without really cleaning."

Liam groans. "Great."

Harry is the least talkative of them all. He's spent almost all of breakfast pushing around pieces of cereal in a bowl without lifting the spoon to his lips once. It takes Liam a moment to realize that he's not hung over. He's upset.

"What happened to you last night, anyways?" Liam asks, frowning at him.

Harry looks up and blinks at Liam for a few moments before sighing. "I, um, spent most of the night in a closet, actually."

Liam's frown deepens before he asks, "The one to the left of the bathroom?"

"Um." Harry pushes his hair off his face, and his cheeks are red. "Maybe."

"Oh my God," Liam says, shaking his head. He covers his mouth with his hand. If anything could have brightened his mood after last night -- he wants to shudder just thinking about everything that he could remember--, this is possibly it. "You totally--,"

"Shut up," Harry growls. "Don't say it, Liam, I swear to God."

"What?" Niall asks, eyes flicking from Liam to Harry. "Someone tell me what I just missed."

"Last night Harry and--,"

"Liam!" Harry snaps.

Liam grins. "You liked it, didn't you?"

"Shut up," Harry repeats. His cereal becomes extremely interesting after that, apparently, because he refuses to look up from it until everyone's finished eating and has started to clear up.

When Liam goes to leave, Harry gestures for Liam to stay, until they're the only ones left in the room. Liam watches him, waiting.

"He kissed me," Harry says quietly, looking up at Liam with confusion in his eyes. "He kissed me."

Liam grins. "About time, too, if you ask me."

"No, Liam, you don't-- you don't get it. I liked it. I kissed him back."

"Do you want a sticker?"

Harry's eyes narrow and he shakes his head. "I can't deal with this," he says quietly.

"If it makes you feel better," Liam says, equally soft, "I think Zayn and I kissed last night. Sort of. Or not really actually. I'm still pretty fucking confused."

Harry tilts his head up. "You-- what?"

Liam shrugs. "About half a minute after putting his tongue in my mouth, he started making out with someone else, so..."

Harry gives him an incredulous look. "Damn. Bet you're having about as good of a day as I am, then."

Liam shrugs. He was trying really hard not to think about it, to be completely honest. Trying not to remember the way Zayn's lips had felt against his, or the way he'd tasted. Or the manic glint in his eyes, and the way the red paint splattered everywhere, and how he'd pulled that girl in without a second thought for Liam. Without considering that maybe, even though things didn't ever matter him, they might matter to Liam.

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