There are no Paparazzi Here

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It was seven thirty, Kendall had been getting ready for an hour. She tried on multiple occasions to speak to her sister, but Kylie would just get pissy. She hadn't left the bed except to use the bathroom and she wouldn't look Kendall in the eyes. "What the hell happened?" Kendall couldn't stop wondering.

As she was giving herself one last look at in the mirror, Kendall hears a knock at the door. "Kylie, I'm going out. I'll be back around midnight or so." Her sister just responds with a hand wave. When the Kendall opens the door, she is taken aback by how amazing Cara looks. She is dressed in her usual casual outfit of jeans, a t-shirt, and a leather jacket. But this time her jeans are ripped skinny jeans. He shirt is a nirvana shirt that is slightly too big and she is wearing a SnapBack hat that ties the whole outfit together. "You done staring yet?" Kendall is awaken from her gaze by Cara's voice and smile. "Umm, yeah. Sorry, let's go." Kendall says as she begins to blush. Cara reaches out her hand. "You're adorable." The Brit says, making Kendall blush even more.

Despite her many complaints, Kendall lets Cara drive them to wherever it was they were going. "Relax babe, I'm driving slow." "If slow is 10 miles per hour above the speed limit!" Kendall practically screams back. Though she is only joking. "Oh calm down, I'm going 45." Cara smiles and looks at Kendall. Within that moment, Kendall feels as if time has stopped. What has this girl done to her? Just days ago Cara was only Kendall's best friend. She thought that she had feelings for her, but she has never felt more connected to a person than she has to Cara in the past 48 hours.

"We're here." Cara announces as they pull up to a small building on a very abandoned beach. "And where is here exactly?" Kendall feels a bit freaked out by the area. Where the hell were they? "This is my little hide away spot." The Brit puts out her hand. Kendall grabs it and Cara pulls her in for a kiss. "Wait! What about..." "There are no paparazzi here." Cara cuts her off. Kendall smiles and they kiss. It felt good, maybe better than their elevator kiss,p. This kiss felt more needed, more passionate, and Kendall loved it. "Shall we?"


The small building turned out to be a very small, but elegant restaurant. It surprised Kendall that not one person was dinning on a Saturday night. "Where are all the people?" "Probably at home, disappointed they couldn't eat here." Cara smiles. "Why can't they eat here?" Kendall is worried that maybe there is a problem with the restaurant. "Because love, I reserved the entire building. My friends parents own the place. I've been coming here for years when I want a private meal." Kendall is shocked. Cara and her in a beautiful building like this all alone. It was like a dream.

After looking at the menu for fifteen minutes, the waiter finally comes to take their order. "I'll have my usual." Cara says, looking over at Kendall. "Umm, yeah... I'll have the chicken parmesan with meatballs and garlic bread." "And to drink ma'am.?" Cara interrupts. "Actually, we'll take the best white wine you have." The waiter looks at her. "Our finest white wine is $1,000 a bottle." "That's fine." The waiter nods and walks away.

"Cara, we don't need $1,000 wine." Kendall protests. "Trust me babe, we do." Cara smiles at Kendall, making Kendall feel that feeling that she can only feel wot Cara. "Babe huh?" Kendall mocks her. "Yes, that's what I said." The Brit retorts, holding back a laugh knowing she sounded dorky. "I like it." Kendall says with a smile. Cara smiles back.

There food arrives about twenty minutes later. "I guess the food cooks faster when you're only cooking for two." Kendall laughs as her food is placed down in front of her. "And your wine." The waiter says as he puts down their glasses. "Thank you Jesus." Cara says as she hands the waiter $200. "My pleasure as always Miss Delevingne. Enjoy your meals."

"Why did you pay him $200?" Kendall wasn't used to people paying such huge tips, especially before paying for the meal. "I've known him for 6 years. I always pay him $200 before and after I pay." Cara acts as if this is normal. "Umm, why?" "Because, he is very good at his job. He always has what I need, and he never questions me." This seemed strange to Kendall. What had Cara meant by not ever questioning her.

"What do you mean?" Cara looks up. "Well you know. I brought you here didn't I? I booked the entire place for the second time ever in my life. I don't do that for just anyone." Kendall can't help from smiling. "Who's the other person you booked it for?" Kendall can't help but be curious. "My mom. She came down for her birthday last year as you know. And this is where I took her for dinner."

Once they finish their meals, their wine, and Cara pays the bill and the other $200 tip, they are ready to leave. "I'm so full." Kendall says as they make their way to the car. "Me too." When they get to the car, Cara opens up the door for Kendall. This makes Kendall's heart melt. She is such a sweetheart. "You're too..." Kendall is interrupted by Cara's lips crashing into hers. She doesn't complain as she allows Cara's tongue access into her mouth.

Cara's hands begin to slide up Kendall's shirt as they lean against the car, shutting the door. Kendall jumps at the sound of the car door, but Cara reassures her she's okay by pulling her on tighter. This causes Kendall to let out a small main, and Cara smiles, pulling away. Kendall is once again left speechless.

They drive back to Kendall's house trying so hard not to keep their minds occupied. They have the music blasting the Spice Girls as loud as humanly possible. As they approach Kendall's house, Cara turns down the music. "I had an amazing time." Kendall says as Cara opens up her door. "Me too." Kendall begins to feel bad as she realizes she can't invite Cara in. "I umm, I would invite you in but I can't." Kendall tries to explain. "It's okay. You don't have to." Cara smiles. "It's just that kylie is..." "I know about Kylie Kendall, it's fine." Cara says as she pulls Kendall in for one last kiss goodbye.

As Kendall walks up to her door begins to wonder how the hell Cara knows about Kylie. And what was there to know. She felt bad that she still couldn't remember. Maybe there would be a way to find out what was wrong with Kylie without having to ask Kylie. But yet again, there might not be. Kendall sighs as she walks through her door, knowing it was going to be a long night.

She's Not Just my Best Friend (CaKe Lesbian)Warning!! Read DescriptionWhere stories live. Discover now