Their Love Has No Boundaries

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Ash and I were walking through a small forest down a wide path hand in hand. When I tripped "Ahh" I feel on my face on a giant moss covered stump, or maybe it was a huge mushroom.

"Gary you alright bro?" He asked

"Yeah Ash I'm fine. Thank Mew this mushroom broke my fall"


"Wait a second.. this isn't a mushroom" I said worried


"Shit!!! Ash Get out of the way!!" I didn't have time to move myself but I was able to push Ash away right before the vileplume used stun spore and I was caught in it.. "Ahhhh!!!" my body went numb and I fell limp...

Ash runs over to me as the Vileplume runs away "Gary! Are you ok???" he says holding me

"Uhhhh.... No"

"What's wong?!?!" he asked woried

"Ash I can't move... I completely paralyzed" I could already feel the burning fever.. I knew the symtoms of this, I've seen it before, and I was not not looking forward it

"NFSLKFHDGN WHAT DO I DO?!?!" he paniced "Should I take you to the Pokemon Center it's not far away!" he said picking me up

"Ash! They can't help" I was breathing heavily "Ash listen I gotta lay down" to our luck there just so happened to be a empty log cabin straight up ahead, Ash cared me inside and laid me down on a small bed

"Gary what should I do? You look like itt hurts" he ays petting my hair

"It.... does Ash...... that's.. why... I had to... get you out of the way... I had to keep you safe... that's all that matters to me... there's nothing you.... can do... it just has to run.. it's course... it'll go away... eventually" I struggled my fever burned hotter and hotter by the mintue..and I started to tremble

"' he started stuttereding out nervousness "I'll be right back!" He runs off and comes back with a wet towl he places it gently on my forehead, and feels real good "Is that a little better?" he asked

"Yeah..." I started moaning the pain so intence but I could handle it "Ohhhh..."

Ash starts petting my hair again, and Eevee curls up on my stomach, I pet her with my shakey hand. Soon I start haveing trouble breathing and that's bad because i couldn't tell Ash that my fever was getting higher... dangerously high... maybe I underestimated the Vileplume... I got a crap ton of stun spore... and it was kicking my ass... I started remembering that people have died from stun spore before... I tried saying something to Ash but I didnt want to scare him "Ash...... I....."

"Yeah?" he asked "Your really hot Gary.." he said feeling my temperture

"I... kn-..."

Suddenly the door opened and Brock walked in. He gasped "Oh my Mew GARY!?!?! ASH?! What are you doing here??? What happened!?!?!?!" he asked worried

"Brock??? Gary got hit with stun spore I don't know what to do can you help him????" Ash paniced

Brock nodds his head, and then I could hear him and Ash talking, but everything became a blur, I went into a daze, I wasn't all the way there... suddenly I hear

"Gary It's Brock can you hear me?" by this time I was almost all the way out of it... I wasnt sure what was happening, I hear Brock's voice faint again "Gary!!! I know what to do but you gotta wake up" I couldn't, Soon I hear both voices in the distance..."Ash you've gotta wake him up!!"

"Ok, I'll try.." there was some sound, like something moving beside me.. and the Ash's voice is closer "Ok Gary Hey Gary you need to wake up!" he said whacking my face lightly "If you don't wake up I'll hate you forever, so wake up ok???"

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