Can you pinch me??

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Warning: This is an emotional wreck part of me blurting out so if you don't like cheesy stuff you rather not read it.

"As always, I want to start by saying, "thank you." I tell you a million times a day, each day, that I love you and that you mean the world to me.
Although you reciprocated some of these feelings, I'm sure you have no inkling of the strength of my love. My love for you was strong!

You walked into my life a stranger a mere 11 months ago, and my life hasn't been the same since.
You were truly my gift from a higher power.
"Love" is such a small word for what we share. You are amazing. You came into my life when I was at a low point,a time when I thought that the pain brought on by someone else would never end.
During the moments I tried to turn away for fear of the unknown, you dug your heels into the ground and looked deep into my soul and stayed.
You compromised your life and your goals to help me survive, and I owe much to you.
Without you I could not even go on.

After all that's happened to me in the past two years, I swore that I could never settle down again that I could never give my heart and life completely to someone again.
With great content and zero disparity, I take it all back.

Most people will spend their entire lives searching for a perfection that almost never exists.
Most people will spend their days looking at each person they encounter with questions as to whether or not they have found a reason, a season, or a lifetime. With you I have found an eternity."

I dreamt all of this.
I wish someone would have pinched me back then to make me realise that this dream never meant to come true....
This love for you was a dream,being with you was dream,you were a dream which never meant to be real..

I loved you back then,Maybe I still do..but it was all a dream.

I wished someone pinched me.

I would have never dreamt then.

All these were mere thoughts which were never real.You are fake, every memory was fake.
Our Love was fake.

I broke ..
I did..

But i am back.
I was pinched.
My dream broke and realisation hit me.

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