My Character, Marie!

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Name: Marie

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Sexuality: Lesbian

Race: American

Culture: None

Genetic Features:
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dirty Blond with Red Highlights
Special Features (Ears, Tail, Etc.):
Birthmarks: None
Natural Powers (NOT SORCERY MAGIC): None
Other: She always has her bangs over her left eye, no one has seen underneath it though.

Looks/Extra Features:
Clothing (Everything your character could wear on any occasion):
Casual Wear: An oversized black cardigan with a dark red tank top and boyfriend jeans
Grey tank top, cut off at the bottom and sleeves, along with skinny jeans and a black beanie
Black hoodie with black sweatpants and black beanie
Night Wear: Black-laced bra with black underwear
White t-shirt and boyshorts
Black hoodie and black sweatpants
Party Wear: Casual Wear
Tattoos: None
Type of Group (Does your character belong in the clique, in a band, etc.): She does an art club every Tuesday and Thursday after school, is kind of popular in school, not exactly society.
Makeup: Eyeliner and clear mascara, sometimes lipstick
Piercings: Two piercings on the right ear, one piercing on the left

Crushes: (If you're using another person's OC ask permission. You can roleplay for your ship if it's your character): None...yet ):3

Personality Traits: Easily excited, fast talker, loves to talk A LOT, can be very chilled out, daredevil/rebel, lover

Special Needs: (Blindness, Missing Limb[s] etc.): None

Other: She has very big breasts and hind quarters ;-;'

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