Mission Mahar

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Mira and Makarov were at the front of the room.
"Attention all!" Makarov said. "We are having a pool party! Free swimsuits for all!"
"Master!" Mira yelled.
"Fine. No swimsuits....again." Makarov wined. "Now, Cana has had some very interesting predictions. A dark guild is building a meteor cannon. When they are done they will shoot this meteor. Destroying earth land and everyone on it. Cana will now predict who should go and stay."
"I've gathered cards for everyone in the guild." Cana throws her cards. Some landed on the table some fell off. "Those names on the table will go on the mission the others will stay."
Makarov started reading the cards on the table. "Here is who will go. Natsu, Erza, Lucy, Gray, Wendy, Gajeel, all three exceeds, Levy, Juvia, Mira, Elfman, Lisanna. The rest will stay here. Just in case they attack the guild beforehand."
"We aren't staying here without Levy!" Jet and Droy said in unison.
"Guys...." Levy started.
"Where is this mission taking place?" Erza asked.
"On a planet called, Mahar." Makarov said. "It is the only other planet that has oxygen. It will be the most dangerous mission get. Maybe ever."
"I'm all fired up now!" Natsu yelled.
"You won't be fired up when you find out how we are going to there." Makarov laughed.

On the Space Ship

Everyone was on the train like space ship. The trip would take 2 days. Which would be really hard on Natsu. Like a train, they had 2 seats for 3 facing each other with walls surrounding it. One of these little rooms Levy, Wendy, Lucy, Erza, Natsu, and Gray sat. Levy, Erza, and Lucy on one side. The other three facing them.
Natsu was making a puke face with Gray right next to him.
"Wendy, can you please put a motion sickness spell on him." Gray asked.
"Sorry, but after using it so much he's immune." Wendy said.
"I didn't know you could get immune to spells." Levy said.
"Yea, it's because I'm not strong enough."
"Your stronger than me."
"Can't you pretty much do what I do?" Wendy asked. "Remember, you made it so Lisanna could shoot wind out of her wing."
"Yea, but it's not as powerful as yours."
"The wierd thing is..." Erza started.
"What!?" Everyone....but Natsu...said in unison.
"We're not even moving yet!" Erza yelled.
A few minutes later the ship shot up into space. If  you looked out the window you could see earth.
"It's so pretty." Lucy said.
"I wonder what this planet will look like." Gray said.

Two days later

They arrived at the planet. It had a giant full moon. The sky was a dark, misty purple. So much, that a lake looked purple as well. Dark green and purple trees surrounded the area.
"This is magnificent." Mira said.
"How have we never heard of it before?" Lisanna asked.
"It's so manly!" Elfman yelled.
"Stop saying manly!" Everyone said in unison.
Natsu finally woke up.
"Wow this is amazing!" Natsu said.
"But I need fire!" Natsu complained.
"I'm not sure where we're going to find fire here." Lucy explained.
"I can help with that!" Levy said. "Fire!"
She wrote fire in the air and Natsu ate it.
"Now! Let's go fight!" Natsu yelled putting his fist in his hand.
"Hahaha. It won't be that easy!" A voice said. We looked up. A woman with long gray hair and misty blue eyes appeared from the mist. "You'll have to do with my guild. Moon Hart."
"Never heard of it." Natsu said.
"We keep our guild a secret." The woman said. "We gather only the most powerful."
"We're the most powerful guild." Gray said. "Not your excuse for a guild."
"I'm not just gonna go easy on you because your cute!" She said.
"What did you call my Gray-sama!"
"You'll be dead in no time. Because you dealing with Mesmerize!"

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