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Angel pov

This has been the 4th hotel I been to and I can't find not one hotel that's cheap or not full.

I only brought $500 dollars with me and hotels be on some bull shit like 60 for 1 night like come on now.

I would go to Kelsey but she been with mark a lot and she still recovering and I don't want to be in her way.

I went into the last hotel I can find that close enough to my school and went up to the lady that was at the desk.

"Hello can I have a room"I said

"How many do you want"she said with an attitude

I had to look back because I was by my self but she asking me how many rooms I need like is she throwing shade at me.

"Only 1"I said

"It look like you needed a few of them"she mumbled but I still caught it

"Are you just stupid or dumb because if you wanted to make a fat joke it could of been better than that hoe"I said

She looked sour

"Now how much is the room"I said

"It's 150 a night"she said

"What! Why so high"I said

"If you can't afford then I'm have to tell you to leave"she said

"I'm going go for i hurt you"I said walking out the door

Cameron pov

I been to so many hotels that close enough to school cause I know angel wouldn't miss that. I went up and ask but they say she been there but left so I checking the last hotel and if she's here than I just ask her when school come.

I pulled up to last hotel and I seen a figure sitting down. But I was kinda dark on the street besides the street lights.

I got out the car and walk up to the front and I couldn't tell you how happy I was when I seen angel.

"Hey angel"I said

She looked up and seem like she's been crying

"What are you doing here"she's ask

"I went over to your house and your mom told me that she kick you out"I said

"Yeah I'm 18 and I'm independent now"she said

"Why don't you come live with me"I said

"Cam thanks but no thanks"she said

"Why I not going hurt you"I said

"It's not that I just don't want to live off of you.. You'll get tired of me"she said

"I would never get tired of you l love you remember that"I said

She looked at me an whisper something but I caught it

"I love you to"she had said

"So are you coming with me or not"I said

"Okay find but I would at least help out on rent or bills"she said

I would never want her to pay for nothing but I just let her think that.

"Okay"she said snapping out my thoughts

"Okay"I said

"Here"she said giving me 200 dollars

"That should cover something at your house"she said getting up

"Okay then just follow me"I said walking off

"Wait cam"she said that made me turn around

"Yeah"I said

"Thank you"she said

"Your welcome"I said turning back around

Angel pov

We pulled up at the house and it was beautiful it must have lot of rooms in there.

"Wow Cameron the house is beautiful"I said while he was unlocking the door

We walk in and everything was white and black it was beautiful.

"Wow"I said looking up

Cameron laughed!

"This is beautiful"I said

I said that so many times..

"Let me show you your room"he said

He showed me a guest room and honestly I didn't feel comfortable. I don't know why..

"Where your room"I ask

"Other side of the house"he said

"Why I cant sleep in the room with you"I

Cameron chuckle "look i think you fine as hell and it's very tempting not to rip your clothes off right now"he said

I laughed "whatever happens happens right"I said

"Look stay in this guest room"he said walking off

"Fine I will"I said slamming the door

"Don't be slamming shit in here"he said

I laughed "sorry"I said

Cameron pov

I didn't want her staying in my room I don't want to move to fast for her liking. Shes hurt right now from what happen and I don't want to take her for granted.

Maybe having her staying here would make us some what closer together.

She really wifey type and I know I'm young but I think I can be with her for the rest of my life.

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