Q&A tag thing

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Okay, so I got tagged by PJO_HOO_fandom_101 to do this Q&A tag thing where u answer some questions, so that's what I'm going to do now I guess. At the end of this I will tag 13 other people of wattpad to do the same thing but you don't have to do it if you don't want to or if I didn't tag you and you want to do it you can say I tagged you to do it if you want to. Anyway let's begin.

Question 1
Do you love hate or appreciate the person who tagged you?
Answer: I don't really k ow you but you seem like a nice person so I love you (as a friend )XD

Question 2
What's your best memory ?
Answer: I don't really have many good memories but one good one I can remember is me and my crush going shopping and to Starbucks and I made him come in all these weird shops with me just for the fun of it and we mets one of my family and we had a really good day. (but sadly he has a girlfriend :/)

Question 3
What's you dream for growing up?
Answer: my dream for growing up is to find happiness, travel the world and explore new places with my 2 best friends zombie2213 & Ellie , meet the people who helped to save me and new people who actually like me, and to find someone who actually loves me and who will never leave me when they promised to say with me forever and for them to not hurt me or cheat on me.

Question 4
Where are the pleases you want to visit?
Answer: everywhere but five places I mostly want to visit are the u.s.a, Germany, Tokyo, Canada and Ireland

Question 5
What was your worst nightmare?
(MAY BE TRIGGERING TO SOME PEOPLE YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED) answer: I've had a lot of bad nightmares but there personal ones that I can't really share with anyone. But one I can share is I was in a video game in my own head and I was hearing voices saying bad things to me destructing me from winning and in the end I had lost and gone crazy and committed suicide then I woke up...

Question 6
What's you favourite thing on wattpad?
Answer: my favourite thing in wattpad is escaping into amazing books that amazing people have written and actually feel like I'm in the book. And I can read the books anywhere like in school, my room, when I go out,on the bus, in a car, while shopping literally anywhere.

Question 7
Do you love art?
Answer: yes I do art is amazing I love looking at people's art work and I like to draw paint and create things too but I'm not that good.

Question 8
What's your favourite animal?
Answer: I have a few favourite animals but I'll name 3
1: turtle because there cute and the remind me of tony Fuentes
2: dogs because I've grown up with dogs all my life and there so adorable.
3: Kittens because Michael Clifford is my kitten and there cute and adorable and fluffy and I want one

Question 9
What's the story of your first crush that you remember?
Answer: my crushes have mostly been on band members but there used to be this guy I had a crush on in school except for the guy I like now and my ex boyfriend. So we were like best friends when we meet he had a girlfriend but he had a crush on me he told me to my face and then one day him and his girlfriend broke up a few days later she found out I liked him from someone I thought was my friend and she read the messages we were sending each other and we started Hating each other and we became enemies so me and him got closer and we were messaging each other every day but then he went to college and she moved to a different school and we stopped talking and now she's engaged to someone and he's got a girlfriend and I have a new crush.

Question 10
Where's one place you would like to visit that doesn't exist and why?
Answer: Neverland because all time low is there (if you get what I mean) and it's a place where dreams come true and I'd love to escape from here and be in such a beautiful place. I want to be tinker bell and fly away with Peter Pan.

Question 12
Do you have any siblings?
Answer: Nope I'm an only child.

Question 13
Do you hate me tagging you?
Answer: nope I don't mind it at all :)

Okay so now tag 13 people

1: Gabby_guilbert
2: TurtleLoverXoXo
3: zombie2213
4: emofanboy
5: that_emo_guy_
6: Addictmuke
7: antabellbunny
8: Bandfreak210
9: FadingLyrics
10: 2sweets
12: rosielovesmcr
13: hi_its_brook_ok

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