Today I found out was tagged by writing_micqu to answer a bunch of questions and then tag an other thirteen people. (I don't know if I can tag that many though)
1. post all the rules
2. tag 13 people
3. post 13 things about yourself
4. you must answer 13 questions provided by the tagger and write 13 more for the tagged people to answer
5. you cannot, under any circumstances, 'pass go'.
6. must be completed within a week or the tagger will remind you
7. Tag backs are allowed
8. be creative with your questions and answers
Here are the questions writing_micqu has for me:
1. Did you just roll your eyes?
2. Would you like to be a Prince/Princess with people fulfilling your every wish and craving?
No, not really.
3. Is it important to you that your stories are read and loved?
I would love it if my stories got read and loved by the readers.
4. Isn't it scary to be an adult and doing adult things?
It is. Very much so.
5. What was the last paperback book (novel) you read? Was it for your entertainment or for school?
Love me or Leave me by Claudia Carroll. And it was for my own entertainment.
6. Do you pay for music? Why or why not?
Depens, I pay for music if my dad needs help with his Itunes account
7. Close your eyes! Did you see colours? Which ones?
Black and yellow
8. Would you like to speak an other language? (how many do you speak?)
I would love to learn Spanish and Italian. I speak four languages (Duth, English a bit of German and a bit of French)
9. Why is it so hard to come up with questions that aren't too personal and haven't been asked 42 times?
Because everybody always ask the same questions.
10. Where are you now?
In my bedroom.
11. Do you wear jewelry right now? Which one?
Yes, I wear several pieces of jewelry; six earings (three in each ear), a celtic cross necklace and my claddagh ring
12. Is karma really a bitch? Why?
Some times. Depens on the situation.
13. Is there anything you like to say to me?
Yes, let's not do this again.
13 things about me: (I do not know if I had these posted in the previous ones but whatever)
1. I live in Europe (The Netherlands)
2. I love the colour Yellow
3. I am quite clumsy (broke my arm and had a concussion)
4. I would love to travel the world some day
5. Find an awesome love like the one my parents have (they are married for thirtythree odd years)
6. I love horror or sciene fiction movies
7. I like to snuggle up on the couch with a cup of tea a good book and a raging fire in the fire place
8. I like doing jig saw puzzles (I have a dozen complete and are hanging on bedroom walls)
9. I am very tidy and organised person from time to time
10. I don't really like my hair (It never listens!)
11. I look forward to being an auntie
12. I love reading with an obssesion
13. I like to swim occasionally
The people I tag (Please forgive me!!! I am very bad at this)
margaret1972 or MargaretMcnamara
Here are my questions for you:
1. Was your first thought; OH MY GOD NOT AGAIN!!!
2. What brought you to Wattpad?
3. How many times a day do you check your Wattpad feed?
4. Why did you start writing?
5. Have you ever thought about changing anything in your life (like wishing you had handled things differently)?
6. What is your favourite reading genre and why?
7. When you read what is your preffered medium? (paperback, hardback, tablet, kindle) and why?
8. Where is your favourite place to read?
9. What is your favourite place in the world to be?
10. What is your lucky charm?
11. What is your favourite genre in movies/series?
12. What are your all time favourite classic movies?
13. Would you live in a different country if you could and why that country?
PM me if you want the rules and questions!!!!
Tag You're It! (Once again)
General FictionAnswers to questions I have been asked to answer. Mostly to do with being tagged