The Past

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        Everyone looks back at the relationships they were a part of at some point in their life. You could look back at them with hatred, disgust, embarrassment, even nostalgia. Every relationship we create or end, has effected where you currently are. Even that girl in middle school who told you saying "hilarious" was the lamest thing in the world, pushed you to stop caring what people thought; Now you are the head of some rich corporation because the shame you felt then, kept a fire under your ass.  Now I know I'm rambling, but there is a point. The relationship I had with this guy, was like no other. The way he would just look at you, you could feel it in your spine. The warmth and love, you felt like the only person in the world. It'd didn't start out like that though.

It actually all started 6 years ago, in 8th grade. We were just kids and I wasn't even sure I liked him. It was something my friend had thrown together.

"You don't mind that I date him, do you?" she asked me enthusiastically, as if she hadn't just stolen my boyfriend.

"No, no not at all." I ensured her that I actually did not give any shits about it.

"Why don't you and ***** start talking?" As if the idea of us switching boyfriends had been up her trick sleeve the whole time.

But that is how it started. 

Turns out she had written him a note from me and in an instant, We were dating.

We dated a whole year. He was the first one to go on a date with me. My first make out session. He showed me how to have fun. He made a little depressed 13 year old feel special. But like most middle school relationships, we died out. We tried getting back together for a bit, but it just wasn't working. Thankfully it was mutual and we stayed friends. I don't think I could've stayed in the same school with him if we hated each other. Few years past and we shared moments here and there. We would chat once a year maybe and be silly but never anything crazy. We both dated other people, had our own lives and really just lived with out truly acknowledging each other. He was that outspoken kid who was always getting in trouble, even if his intentions were good. He also was a giant goofball. I remember one day, we hadn't spoken in months, but he had a thumbtack. When this kid had any sharp object you had to be alert, he was a joker. So walking down the hallway talking with one of my friends about whatever the current drama situation was and all of a sudden, there was a sharp pain; on my butt. 

"What the..." I started to scream, as I see a blur of burgundy pass by me followed by a very villainous snicker. 

He poked my butt with a thumbtack.

Now, this literally can be taken a thousand and one ways. But all I could do was roll my eyes and smile. Even then I remember thinking alright this kid is hilarious. Letting my mind get nostalgic for a millisecond, then back to my drama mama talk with my friend.

There were lots of little moments like that, some I'm sure I can't even recollect. But he always just was different than the rest of my relationships. 

Months turned into years, and we were about to be seniors. It was the summer and all I did was party and hang out with my friends. Until my best friend left for a few weeks, then I was forced to expand my social circle. This is where shit gets real, real quick. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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