A pony oc

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Name: midnight dreams
Look: look at picture
Gender: mare
Age: 13
Species: nightmare pony
Backstory: was left in the wilderness by a mysterious mare in a black cloak and wearing a witch hat and was raised by timberwolves. Was found by the pink pony pinkie pie. Pinkie took midnight in and treated her like her own filly.
Power: able to control the night creatures and shadows and other stuff like that, able to make a pony have nightmares. Nightmare smoke that makes the pony that gets caught in it fall asleep and have a nightmare of his/her worst fear.
Edit: forgot to add her personality lol
Personality: mysterious, never shows emotions but she does tell you what she's feeling, brave, calm and collected.
Edit 2: forgot to add her cutiemark..
Cutiemark: three black z's.

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