The Happy Cloud

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As the bright, yellow Sun rises each morning it wakes the clouds with its bright light. His warm rays fills them up with enough energy to start a brand new day. But today only one cloud woke up with the Sun's bright light.

This cloud woke up with a big smile on his face. He felt as if the Sun had filled him up with all the energy it had. He felt whiter and fluffier than ever.

As he floated happily across the sky enjoying the wind on his face, he noticed that the other clouds were still sleeping. They all looked sad and gray.

"How can they sleep on such a beautiful day?" he wondered.

He wanted to wake them up, but what could he do? What do clouds do? They make rain!

He was so full of energy from the Sun's bright light that the water inside of him was sure to be full of energy too.

"If rain helps everything come to life when it falls on the earth, I'm sure it will help my friends come to life too!"

So he made it rain. He floated all over the sky pouring rain on the other clouds. The clouds felt the rain drops on their faces and started to wake up. They could feel the Sun's energy in the water as it filled them with life. They started turning from a sad gray to a happy and fluffy white. Soon the sky was full of white and fluffy clouds, energized and floating around.

But our friend was the happiest cloud of all. He had helped his friends and that filled him with joy.

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