Anax (14) Old

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Name: Anax A. Lexicon

Alias: N/A

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Birthday: July 12, 4000
Species: Human
Status: Active
Blood Type: OO
Hair Color: Snow White (Natural)
Eye Colour: Ocean Blue?

Complexion: pale white

Weaknesses: occasional pain, magic fluctuation, magic circle deficiency, cursed emotions.

Description: Anax wears a black Shirt and a white unzipped cardigan with a black inside and is short sleeved. He put sand coloured cargo pants on with a random pairs of socks and wears a magic star shaped silver necklace.

Personality: Anax is a bold and outgoing person, who will stand up when he feels there is something wrong. He is extraordinarily caring and social to his friends and family. He always has the energy and enthusiasm to cause trouble in local areas and with his smarts it spells absolute trouble. But he can be rather blunt correction is blunt and will not notice it. There are occasions where his personality will turn cold and heartless against people he has grudges with or try to trick them to changing sides because all the friends he made with. He was just manipulating them so he would be able to throw them aside without any regret.

Abilities: Anax is a capable hand to hand fighter and skilled with wielding a sword to a certain extent. He is excellent in video games and games in general as well as being the king of pranksters. His abilities to control magic are higher than that of the average adult. He is a capable mechanic and is able to make things out of scrap despite some of the problems they may have.  

next chapter will contain him using his abilities

P.S. not part of the story

Anax A, Lexicon: The Energy Dragonion Knight(prototype)Where stories live. Discover now