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A/N~ Hi this is my first story on wattpad

Chapter 1

"Bye Mum, Bye Dad, have a great week.", called out Katie as she waved her parents out of the drive and down the street. Katie's parents were going away for the week to a hotel in New York city.

The delighted 14 year old Katie was left at home with the house to herself for the 7 nights and she couldnt be happier!She was glad that she had time to herself as her parents had been on her case a lot lately what with all the school work and study that she had to do especially because her exams were coming up, also because Katie was an only child she had to do all the housework and gardening.

"Ah thank god their gone," Katie smiled to herself as she walked back in the driveway.

"The house to myself, what will i do first?", Katie questioned herself.

Katie rang her friend, Sarah, and asked her to come over for the night to keep Katie company.

When Sarah arrived, Katie and her wondered what to do. Then Sarah said "wait why dont we go on the computer,i found this site last night called ebay and there are amazing second hand clothes for sale there!"

The two girls logged on to the site and started scrolling throught the itenms of clothes until they came across a really cute dress that Katie could wear to the disco that weekend.

Together they called the number for the dress and patiently waited for someone to answer. Just as they were about to hang up a desperate voiced woman with a husky tone answered.

Chapter 2

"Hello." , aswered the lady.

"Oh hey", the girls replied."I am enquiring about a dress i saw on Ebay".


"Yes oh yes, yes indeed this is the right number, yes!", the woman said very strangely.

"Right well i was wondering if i could buy the dress please?" questioned Katie.

"Oh yes of course you can my dear, it said if i remember correctly that the dress was €25?" the woman replied.

"Yeah it does, so it said it comes with free delivery is that right?" Katie asked.

"Of course my dear, okay so how about you tell me your address and i will get my husband to deliver it to the address and you can pay him then my dear!" the woman said quite weirdly.

"Oh okay yeah, the address is: 22 Oak Lane, Boston." Katie told her.

"Oh great my dear, well thats it then, thank you so much my dear and the dress will be with you in about 2 days, is that alright my girl?" the woman replied yet again strangely.

"Yeah thats perfect ill see you then, bye and thanks" Katie said and hung up!

"Jeez that was like the strangest phone call ever," Sarah said half laughing.

"Ino, but at least my new dress will be delivered to my house in two days!", Katie said excitedly

"Ya you are right, anyways lets go up to your room and look for shoes to go with the cute dress" said Sarah

"Okay, ill be up with you in a sec, i just have to ring mum and tell her about the disco!" Katie told Sarah

"Sure thing, oh by the way my mum said she will bring us to and from the disco and that you can stay over the night if you want!?" Sarah chimed in

"Cool, yeah thanks so much, ill tell her now!" Katie said

Chapter 3

Once the girls had finally gotten their whole outfits together including dress, shoes, bag, accseroies and what they are going to do with their hair they decided to go and get something to eat! Katie and Sarah rang Crustys Pizza aroung the corner and ordered the biggest pepporoni pizza they had as they said they were starving.

"Ding Dong," that was the sound of the doorbell ringing with the pizza guy waiting impatiently to get paid!

"Hold on im coming," shouted Katie as she ran down the stairs.

As she opened the door the house phone rang and she yelled at Sarah to go and answer it. She paid the pizza guy and ran to the kitchen where Sarah was on the phone.

"Who is it?" mouthed Katie

"The woman from Ebay!" Sarah mouthed back!

After Sarah got off the phone she told Katie that the woman was wonderig would it be okay if her husband could drop off the dress tomoorrow instead and Sarah had told them yes!

"Oooh thats great, now we dont have to worry about the dress being late as it is in two nights!" said the delighted Katie

"Oh yeah, well lets eat the pizza before it gets cold!" said Sarah

Once the girls finished the pizza they put on their favourite film "Safe Haven." They watched the whole movie and by the time it was finished it was 1 o'clock so the girls headed up for bed! Katie and Sarah locked all the doors and windows, turned off the lights and headed up to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2013 ⏰

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