Dreams and Nightmares part 1

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Howdy! I'm Melanie. Melanie the human! If my one shots are cheesy please tell me this is my first time writing a one shot about Sans, so ya. Anyways, enjoy! ALSO there will be a lot of feels. Just to warn ya!


" No, Sans, please don't-it's not-STOP!- get away-I didn't kill him- NOOOOO!!"  You screamed, waking up all sweaty. Lately you have been having nightmares about things from different timelines. You didn't know how, but you just did. This was the 185th one that's woken you up since you came to the underground, 1 year and a half ago. This was affecting your sleep time and behavior drastically. Everyone noticed, but not as much as Sans did. Your all time crush. Your cheeks burned with the rest of your sweaty body, turning the room into a sonna for you.

" screw this I'm gonna go for a walk. Maybe it'll help a bit." You climbed out of bed, and put on dark jeans, a grey t-shirt, and your pink and blue striped sweater. You headed downstairs of your house, putting on a jacket. You noticed Sans sweater hanging beside your jacket. I should return it, you thought. You put on your hat, looking for your scarf.  

" Fuck, where is it?" I wondered as I walked through the unclear town of Snowdin. The day before you and Sans were building snow-skeletons and used your scarf, but you forgot to get it back.

I shielded my eyes, as if It would help me see better. Trudging through the snow, I noticed a red scarf dangling from a branch on a tree in the forest. I smiled, glad that I found it, and ran as fast as I could before anything could happen to it.

Before I reached it, It flew further into the forest. I dropped sans jacket hoping to be able to run faster without all that weight on it. I made a mental note to go pick it up.

Picking up speed, I was just about to touch it, when something appeared in front of my foot, making me roll a bit before stopping face down in the snow.

I picked up my head, shivering from all the snow that snow-din my jacket (Hehe get it? No, Okay just read) slowly standing up and looking around.

I spotted my scarf in someone's hand. Relieved, I walked over.

" Thank you for catching my scarf! I don't know what I'd do without it!" 

But as I got  closer, I realized who's hand it was. Chara's. The other had a bloody knife.

" I was about to say the same thing about your soul~ Your very hard to track down, and you should pay for all the trouble you caused~" 

Instinct kicked over me and I ran as fact as I could towards the Town. I picked up Sans jacket and ran towards my house.

I bursted through the door and looked around for my phone.

I spotted it on the couch. I picked it up, and Immediately called Sans. It slowly dialed him, and waited for him to pick up. 

" Come on, come on... Sans pleas-"

" Hey Kiddo. What's up?" A deep husky voice answered. The door to my house bursted open. I screamed, and ran up to my bed room, hiding under my bed.

" Sans. I need your help."  I whispered, at the edge of tears. He didn't seem to notice my panicky voice.

" With what? Bone problems?" 

" Are we playing Hide and go seek? I love that game! Y/n, Come out, come out where ever you are! You can't dodge me forever!" Chara called, walking around my hallway dragging her knife across the wall. I strained from screaming.

" This is no time for puns! There's no time to explain, just please hurry over to my house! I'm going to die!" I said that too loudly. 

I quietly gasped as I heard Chara stopped dragging  the knife and walked into the room I was in. She crept around my bed, Ripping apart the closet door and drawers, and bed covers. I had only a little time left.

" Who's there?" He asked, picking up my scared tone. 

Chara was stabbing the knife through my bed, realizing I was under it. I dodged the knife blade, but it got me in my ankle. I cried out in pain.

" Sans, Before I die, I just want you to know, That I've really liked you for a long time and- Ahhh!!" Chara grabbed my other ankle and pulled me from under my bed. I grabbed my phone in time. I was in tears as Chara leaned in closer to my face. 

" I found you." She laughed, as she dragged me down the stairs, out of my house. 

" Please don't kill me Chara, I don't wanna die! Please!" She laughed, as I attempted to take hold of near by snow but failed.

" Oh, your not all for me. Your for a new friend I've made. Wanna know who?" I shook my head afraid to know the answer. 

" Me!!!"  Flowey's voice rang. Except it wasn't flowey. It was a mutated version of him. He grabbed my bad ankle and lifted me up in the air. I screamed in pain, as they took off my jacket, letting my heart glow. Chara examined me, as I tried my hardest to reach my foot and get back on my feet but it was no use.

She twisted the knife around her finger.

" Hmm... now where should I strike?" 

" How about-Wake up! Wake up Y/n, Come on." Her voice changed to Sans's voice. My vision became blurry, so I closed my eyes. When I opened them, I was staring up at Sans. 

" Hey kid- You okay?" 

 I sat up, but then sat back down realizing the pain in my ankle. 

" What do you mean? Didn't you see Chara and flowey?" He shook his head. Tears rolled from my eyes as I realized what I had almost done. What they almost did to me.

" I almost died..." I whispered, staring at Sans. 

" What? You almost what?"

" I almost died! Chara was about to stab me and you were a mile away and I could even-" My voice cracked from the fear of what Just happened. He only smiled.

" You must of taken a pretty big fall there. You called me saying you needed help- I only saw you attacking yourself, then you fell." He chuckled.  

I shivered, realizing how cold I was. I was only in my t-shirt, jeans and socks. Sans took off his jacket and placed it around me, picking me up bridal style and walking out of the forest, as I fell yet into another nightmare.

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