Chapter 15

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Author's Note: Last and final chapter! About damn time.


My time is coming to an end...I'm not sure I am ready to die, but I made a contract and there is no escaping my fate. I will finally get to see my family though. It's been so long since I last seen them. Mother...Father... Sister...I'm coming...

This will be harder for me since I am the only human. I doubt that I will find the man who did this too me, but you never know.  Sebastian and Ciel have a better chance than me.  I look at the first room I reach , but it seems empty. I continue to do this for the next ten rooms and with my luck I find nothing.

A corner has come my way, i'm debating on whether or not I should turn. There is an alley that seems to reach no end. Out of suspicion I make my way into it and find myself consumed in total darkness.


I sense no one as I turn around.  Footsteps are heard, but none are seen. I walk backwards until I reach what seems a wall. No. It is  a person. I do not want to turn around. The man laughs and says, "You don't know who I am, but I know who you are."

"What are you talking about?"


"Armin! Where are you my love?!"

Where did that bastard run off to. He said he was going for a walk and the bastard never came back. Would if he's cheating on me? He doesn't seem that type, but he was acting really strange today.  I have to find out what he is up to.  I put my grim reaper mode on and dash to where my senses are leading me. If there is one thing everyone should know is that a Grim Reaper lover knows where to find their lover.

An alley is nearby and I hear a conversation being held, I listen in.

"Remember when your family died in a fire? Well I just happen to be there person who killed them."

"Why?! What did they do to you?"

"Lucky bastards had it all and I had nothing. I hated having to attend your family's wealthy parties. You had so much and I wanted you to feel  loss."

It was Armin's voice and one of a younger man.

"Armin what is the meaning of this?" I ask.

"Oh Grell honey, just go back inside. I just have some business to finish, but I promise I will explain , when i'm finished."

"Well Well, who would have guessed it was the spouse of Grell Sutcliff. If you would please move out of the way and let me get this over with as quick as I can. "It was Sebastian, my former lover, but I love him no more.

"No you have to go through me first!"

"Very well then."

Sebastian makes the first move as he throw his silverware at me. I counter attack by using my Death Scythe and sending that back at him. He catches each one between his fingers and swipes at me. I jump back and swing at him. He blocks it with his feet and attempts to disarm me, but I keep a tight grip. Sebastian lashes at me with his fist and hits me in the gut. I take a moment to regain my momentum and then I draw my Scythe at him. I  tear a bit of his clothing and a bit of blood is present, but that doesn't stop him. He kicks at my jaw and knocks me over. Uh-oh! My scythe...

I crawl to my scythe , but Sebastian reaches it first. He comes over and grabs me by my hair.

"I told you to get out of the way." He smiles with that devil smile that always got to me. And before you know it he cuts my neck with my Death Scythe.


"So long Grell Sutcliff..."

"Sebastian!" My master calls."

"Hello my dear master."

"What in Earth happened here?"

"It's quite obvious." My master is annoyed by that and it causes me to grin.


"Oh Sorry Leon."

In a second , I then kill the spouse of Grell.

"Congratulations Master your first completed contract."

"Well I can't take all the credit."

"Leon...I'm sorry , but a contract is a contract, it is your turn to carry out your side of the bargain. " I say.

"Yes, of course. Thank you Ciel and Sebastian. I can now be at peace."

"Are you Ready?" My master asks.

Just as my master is about to consume his soul he turns to me. " I want you to have it?"

My eyes widen. "No,  there is no need."

"That is an order."

"Yes my lord...Close your eyes Leon. I will make this quick." He does as I say.

He screams in agony as I consume his soul. It was rich, deep, and dark.

"How was it." My master ask.

"Plain." I lie because of my pride.

"Let's go back to the manor.


And from then on Sebastian and Ciel took turns eating the souls they collected and the contract between them both remains.

Author's note:

This Fanfiction was really crappy, but is was my first one. I'm hoping my writing will improve during my future writings. I took forever and yet was still rushing the whole thing. But I am proud of myself . It's not that bad.

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