"So, Claire, tell me about this tattoo of yours," Cas said in between spoonfuls of cereal.
"You told him?" She hissed at Dean.
"Of course, I told him, he's your father. Now I'm curious. Who's is it?" He asked calmly.
"It's Dustin's."
"Your boyfriend Dustin?"
"No. The waffle Dustin. Of course my boyfriend Dustin." She sighed. "What do I do?"
"Well, you could go to the beach and see if you see yours on him," Cas suggested. "That's pretty close to what I did."
"With who?" She asked.
Dean smiled. "I love this story," he said, "let me tell it. Okay, so the summer before sophomore year, your father and I were at a party that I had dragged him to. He didn't want to be there at all, but he went because I asked him."
"More begged rather than asked," He said.
"Shut up. I politely asked him to join me. We were at the pool when he realized I had a tattoo on my waist, and I noticed he had one on his left side. We compared them and realized that we had each other's tattoos."
"That is so cute. Now how do I do that with Dustin?"
"Why don't you ask Josephine or Krissy?" Cas asked.
"Because they would turn around and tell Dustin themselves," She said.
Cas looked at his watch. "Oh, shit. Dean, I gotta go. Come on Claire, I'm gonna be late." Cas jumped up, kissed his husband and grabbed his trench coat.
"Hey, kiddo, we'll talk later," Dean said.
"Can we also talk about getting me a car? I'll be sixteen in a few months."
"Absolutely not!" Cas yelled from outside. "Now let's go."
Cas sent Claire, Krissy, Josephine, and Dustin to the movies for the evening so he and Dean could have a nice dinner alone.
"Cas, why wouldn't she tell us about this?" Dean asked.
"I'm sure she was going to. It's not like she would have gotten married without us knowing." Cas replied.
"I don't know, she might have." Cas laughed. "Seriously, you've seen how she's been lately. I saw her sneak out last night. I'm worried."
"She's just being a teenager, Dean. She'll grow out of it. We just have to give her time." Dean shook his head and laid down next to Cas on the couch.
Claire ran in squealing.
"Claire, it's almost midnight. Is there any particular reason that you are squealing and home past your curfew?" Cas asked groggily.
"Yes, there is."
"Would you care to tell us?" Dean asked.
"Well, on the way home, I was talking to Dustin and he rolled his sleeves up and I noticed a tattoo on his forearm. I asked him who's it was, he showed me."
"And it was yours."
"Yes. It. Was." She jumped up and down again.
"That's wonderful. Now go to bed. I'll be happy for you when I can get some sleep."

FanfictionDean Winchester and Castiel Novak grew up together. They were best friends. Things happened, and they ended up with some tattoos...