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*•Roach's POV•*

Me and shope stand there still a bit shocked about what happened.  "So Kevin likes... Tyler?", shope says a hint of sadness in her voice.  "Ya..um should we check on them?", I reply.  She nods.  We both agree they are probably at the meadow.  I walk through the meadow as shope looks in the forest.  I see Tyler laying down and I run over to him.  "Hey Tyler?", I say and he opens his eyes.  He sits up.  "Oh, h-hey", he says shyly.  I sit down by him.  "Hey sorry about telling", I say.  "It's fine you guys would have found out later anyway.", he says looking down.  "Well um, did you know he likes you before?", I ask.  Then he blushes up to his ears. "I-I- ya...", he says looking at me.  "How?", I ask interested.  "H-he um h-he... He pinned me up to a w-wall and kissed m-me", he says looking down and blushing a deep red.  "O-oh", I say shocked.  "I-I um-", he says and then teleports away.  Well that want great

*•Shope's POV•*

I'm walking through the forest looking for Kevin.  I'm pretty sure he would be in here.  I am walking and then I feel something hit my head.  And then another.  Then I look up and see acorns being thrown by no one other than Kevin.  "AH! Kevin stop!", I yell but he throws more.  "GO AWAY!!", he yells and throws another one hard and it hits my face and I fall backwards.  Then the acorns stop.  "I only want to help!", I say standing and walking to the tree.  "I'm not coming down!!", he yells.  "Well then I'm coming up!", I yell back and start to climb the tree.  I start to slip so I use wind to bring me to a branch.  "Hey don't be ashamed of who you are or who you like Kevin", I say giving him a reassuring smile.  "I mean I like someone and I don't feel judged or worried..", I add on.  "Ya but do you
Like another girl??", Kevin asks arms folded.  "N-no but that doesn't matter!  Some people like other things!  Don't be ashamed Kevin..", I say moving to the branch he is on.  He is looking down fiddling with his thumbs.  "So who do you like?", he asks stil looking down.  "y-you want to know?", I ask a little worried.  "Hey you know mine!", Kevin says looking at me.  "a-alright, m-my crush is.. You....", I say looking at he ground and then back at him.  He is in complete awe.  "M-me?!", he asks blushing.  I nod and he turns his head forward looking out into the forest.  "Hey", I say and he looks at me.  I leans in and kiss him.  He doesn't kiss back and he sits there in shock.  I pull back and look at him.. He then turns into a bird and flies away, fast.

A/N- well that was um interesting huh?  More credit to Smixy55 because she helps with everything!  Ya lol thanks for reading hope you enjoyed!!

*•Emily•* (smixy so swag)

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