The past comes back to hunt you...

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It's been 6 years since he dropped off Ethan back at their parents house. He wanted his little brother to have the life he couldn't and that means without him. He was living peacefully with Devin for about a year after but once he only had devin and no more Jaxx to sleep with he felt his control slipping. Jaxx had gone back with gavin and Leo had to find new outlets for his demonic urges. Sometimes they became too much to handle and he had to subdue them with drugs. He hadn't even realized that devin was taking them too. He was fuck Devin and be Devin's house husband but at the same time he would go out and get wrecked by random men. Just devin didn't feel like enough anymore. He felt like they were just going through the motions but after trying for so long to be together neither of them wanted to break it off. They were still in love but not like it used to be.

Leo felt like devin was a different person as well, they had changed through the years and he could tell something was wrong with him. He looked sick and he had lost a lot of weight. He looked like leo when he first met devin again. Though leo could tell what was going on for some reason he just didn't care anymore. He just let it happen while he fell down that slop again. Drugs, alcohol, and sex was his priority and devin was below that.

Leo waved goodbye to devin as he left to house to go meet up with spice. The two of them had been hanging out more often than before but like leo cared, it just gave him more time to go fuck someone else. It's what leo suspected Devin was doing anyway.


· Devin felt devastated. He didn't know what else to do. It had been more than a week since he and Leo last fucked. Yeah fucked... It had been a while since it felt more than that. Things where bad and and he coundn't stop them from getting worst. It's like leo was a stranger. It was tearing Devin up.

Lately all he had done was gone to spices house and simply get high. He was out of it most of the time, and even if he had never touched Spice or his lover, in his mind the old leo was back and it was the both of them in their own little world.

Spice knew this was messed up but what could he do. every world spice told Devin about leo was like talking to a wall.

" you ok?" spice asked his sickiesh friend who seemed out of it

Devin just nodded as he placed the needle down. " its all good now" he said as he laid back and chuckled to himself.

Spice was not so sure. " well that's your last one for today you hear ...? " he said taking the drugs away " once your eyes clear out and you can stand well drive you home " he said worriedly " I'll be outside, just call me if you need me "

Devin nodded as he kept laughing to himself. ____________________________

Six years ... Time really flyed by in front of Ethan's eyes.

Ever since leo dump him at his parents and left, Ethan's whole world changed. He didn't want to be a kid anymore. He just wanted to grow up.

One day he woke up and ripped every plush he had in his room, took out his toys and clean our his room.

After that he stop wearing cute cloths. He started showing more skin and thigher cloths. He even started going to the gym every single day.

Ethan's mom didn't know what to tell her son. He wouldn't listen. One day in the middle of an argument they had , he told her he wanted to just move to the states and study. To be done with them and have his own life.

With tears in her eyes the mom complied to her sons request. Ethan was her second shot at this , at least she wanted one of her kids to have all they wanted.

A month later Ethan flew to the states to his new home, his new life and he was about to go to college.

He had everything one could want but he was always so angry and empty.

Once in the states , back in the place it all started Ethan focused on being like his brother . Fool around , get drunk , bring guys home. It was the life ... But not enough for Ethan.

About 6 months after he moved in Ethan was sure he was ready to met his brother. He had done everything he learned from Leo and Jaxx, and now it was time to meet his old demon and show him the man he had become.

Ethan woke up in a messy bed next to the only repetitive fuck-buddy he had, a dog boy by the name of sin. He must had slip into the door the night before and was too exausted to shift back before the sun was up. But since they didn't like each other ethan knew he had to get out now before they started and other ridiculous argument. You coun't teach an old dog a new trick.

" just lock up when you leave " ethan said as he grabbed his usual cloths and got dressed. Lately he wanted to show more skin. After all skin is what got him laid, and he had the body for it.

He slip up a off the shoulder top and some thigh shorts that where just an inch away from too short. His hair had grown longer and wild, just like his brothers locks, only his where dyed pastel tones cause those where his favorite colors.

He grabbed his things and locked the door.

It didn't take him long to find his way to his brothers house. He still lived in the corner street with that girly idiot.

One in front of the house Ethan took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. He pushed it twice, and stood straight with his hands on his pockets. He didn't know what to expect or if they would recognize him. He was older now, different and well he had one heck of grown sprout. He was pushing 6'2 already and was not even done growing.


The Madness( Leo / Devin/ Ethan/ Sin ): AddictionWhere stories live. Discover now