Queen of Darkness

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A throne of souls,
A crown of thorns,
A queen of darkness
She knew none would mourn.

Forged from sorrow and a broken mind
She conquered all and faced what she'd left behind.
"No more," she said, as she turned her back.
She was done with hurting and feeling lacked.

She built her kingdom from the dust
A will of steel that would never rust.
Blood for rivers and for rain
She used the fear to hide her pain.

Her pain became numb and her focus turned
To the ones once loved, who had had her burned.
Justice was swift, retribution final
And she took back her once lost title.

With victory imminent and enemy gone
She paused for a moment, she knew this was wrong.
With that they were spared, but with a price
"Leave me your soul, that will suffice."

And in such a way the queen did return
To her home, made of darkness, with a mind that had learned.
Killing was easy, was fast, was just;
But would do nothing, save fulfil her bloodlust.

She sat on her throne, a crown on her head
And knew that in more ways than one she was already dead.
Her heart was of ice, never to be touched
A will made of iron that weighed on her too much.

And so this queen laid down to rest,
Making things permanent, she knew it was best.
With a crack in her heart and a tear in her eye
The Queen of Darkness left herself to die.

Queen Of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now