Nothing Lasts Forever

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"I have to go."

The snow making it harder to see his beautiful face. My heart heavy at the thought of leaving him. We can't kiss goodbye for the last time. I see the snow fall on his beautiful face. His eyes teary ready to cry.

"Don't." He managed to croak.

"I can't Louis. I'm going to war and heaven can't help me now. Nothing lasts forever." I said but I wanted it to last forever. I wanted my time with him to last forever.

"You can Liam. We can runaway. Go far away and live somewhere far away from people. We'll manage we always do. Just don't leave me," he begged.

"I can't Louis. I'm fighting. I'm fighting so that hopefully one day you can be happy with someone by your side." I manage to caress his hand without being noticed.

"I want you. I choose you. It's always you and no one else." He was on the verge of tears.

"You're a Payne. We don't cry remember." I manage to laugh half heartedly.

"Just because you can falsify a few papers don't make me one. But I'm your pain and everything else."

"Say you'll remember me," I asked and it might have been more of a plea.

I didn't want Louis to forget me. I wanted him to remember me as I am now. How I loved him and nothing more or less. I loved him but I couldn't promise coming back. It was never sure out there at war.

War was cruel and vicious. I knew that I would have to kill or be killed. That's what scared me. What if I couldn't kill the enemy? Could I manage to see who the real enemy was?

"I'll remember you. I'll see you in trees by our house. I'll see your face in the stars. I'll see you everywhere and I'll remember you even when I'm asleep. I'll dream of you as we were before all this happened."

He was crying. I held him to my chest. I wanted to cry too. I had to be strong for the both of us. I held back my tears and held him but not as long as I would've wished.

The first horn is heard. We have ten minutes. Ten minutes before departure. Ten las minutes with the love of my life.

"Liam!" He looked me in the eyes. I held onto that. I held into the thought of possibly coming back home to Louis.

"I know."

"Staring at the sunset or even the sunrise...remember how we met that night. Just pretend you're there with me because I will." Louis words keep breaking my heart. How could I leave him? He's so small and fragile.

My Louis.

"Of course, I will. It's our sunset. Anywhere I am I'll remember the color of our sunset."

"Liam, will you always remember me? Please lie to me and say yes. Say you remember every moment." He huddled against my chest. My arms still around him.

"I don't have to lie. I remember what you wore the first time I saw you."

Silence. We had to separate because it would've been off for two brothers to hug as long as we have. Except they don't know he's the love of my life. The person I would choose to spend the rest of my life.

"Liam, try. Please try to come back to me. To our home. It's all I ask. I don't care if you come back crazy or anything. All I care is to see you back home. Alive. Alive, yeah?" His eyes pleading.

"I'll give it my all. Just remember nothing last forever. This time may feel like an eternity but time shall pass."

"Nothing last forever."

It was our mantra. So here I leave for what may be the last time I see him. My heart is pounding. I want to kiss his lips goodbye. I can see his desire to do so too. It was impossible with the crowds surrounding us here.

"Dream about me, about us," he pleaded. He pleaded not to be forgotten. It was me who had to plead. I didn't want him to forget me. I could be gone for years before I return.

The last horn is heard. His eyes in panic and holds me as if his life depended on it. I hug him tightly not wanting to let go. I pull away.

"Bye. Be good Louis. Remember what we talked about."

"Remember your promises." He repeated as well.

I got on the train. I miraculously had a clear view of him. His lips in a pout. His eyes in tears but trying to hold onto them like a Payne should. My hand pressed to the window. Except he can't press his hand against mine.

I can see that in his heart his hand is pressed against the window matching my own. The train begins to move. My eyes set on him. His feet begin to move following the train. That's when I let a tear escape.

I'm sure he knew what he did to me. He gave me a fight. I need to come back. I had to come back to him. Then he was out of view just as quick as he came into my life.

Now, all I had to do was survive this war.

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