chapter 1

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It's had been a week since the Ouran host club transferred to the night school for 'friendly' high school competition. Haruhi was still "a guy" and had made friends with a girl named Yui. She was kinda stupid but she was still pretty cool. She hung out with a bunch of guys that were kinda weird. Though, it wasn't much different from her situation. Yui and her were working together on a science project. She had yet to tell her that she was a girl, and she wasn't sure if she should. Yui walked in, a smile on growing on her face as she entered the room and saw her standing there.

"Hi Haruhi," she smiled.

"I'm a girl," she blurted out. She hadn't really meant to. Yui stopped in the middle of the room. She blinked a couple times before shrugging and continuing to walk forwards.

"I kinda figured, like, you're not really like a guy, I mean, like, you don't really act like one. I should know. I live with six." She smiled again, stopping and sitting down at the desk next to Haruhi.

"~BIIIIIIIIITCH-CHAAAAN~," a voice sang from behind them. Yui scowled slightly as the red head wrapped his arms around her. Haruhi was a little taken aback at what he had just called her.

"Wait, what did you just call her?" he giggled, singing Bitch-Chan again. The hair on her neck bristled. This guy was really pissing her off. He giggled again, nuzzling Yui's neck as she tried to push him off.

"Laito, do you mind?" She asked.

"Awwwwwwwwwww, Bitch-Chan," he whined, frowning as she succeeded in pushing him off.

"Don't call her Bitch-Chan you pervert," Haruhi said through gritted teeth. Yui gave her a look that was like 'just ignore him'. This pissed Haruhi off even more because it meant he did it a lot. Laito gave her a look, a sly grin growing on his face.

"And you are?" he asked, his grin widening even more.

"Her friend that doesn't appreciate you calling her such a terrible name," she glared at him and he returned it with a smirk. He turned around and walked out of the room, looking back over his shoulder to give the two girls another grin.

"Double Bitch-Chan," he said as he left the classroom, low enough to not be heard by them.

Yui looked at Haruhi, and Haruhi gave her a 'why the hell do you put up with that SOB?!' Yui sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "I'm used to it. Besides, he's like, the worst out of all of them." she paused in thought for a moment, "Actually, he's probably tame compared to the rest of the vampires." She covered her mouth and her eyes widened in a 'shit did I just say that out loud?!' Haruhi raised her eyebrows in shock and returned her look with a 'yup'.

"Well, whatever. You would have figured it out eventually. Just be sure to watch your neck. Especially around Laito and Ayato, they don't have boundaries at all." she winced as she thought of painful memories, literal painful memories.



Yui was freaking out. She had just let slip that her housemates where vampires. She was shaking all over, she was panicking about what they would do If they found out She had divulged their little secret. She glanced at Haruhi nervously. "Umm, Haruhi? Can you not tell anyone about that, because they'd like, kill me if anybody knew, like, literally." Haruhi gave her a sympathetic look.

"I won't tell anyone. I promise." Yui sighed in relief, getting a puzzled look from Haruhi.

"Why don't you run away or something?"

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